Well-Known Member
So I need some help from you peeps in the lovely tack room. I have a horse buying dilemma. I have a friend selling a horse who fits exactly what I am looking for. Please bear in mind, I have been searching for a year, had a couple of vet failures and desperately want to find my next horse who will be with me forever. As of yet I haven’t tried him, but he sounds perfect. Except …. He’s a big chunky lad. He’s a coloured but not nicely marked, just sort of splotchy. He’s moderately heavily feathered. And is a bit if a lump of a cob. He’s def no oil painting bless him. - eve his owner says this! I have always had lovely looking ponies - Connie’s and Arab crosses who I’ve shown and honestly they melt my heart. By by all accounts he is a cracking ride but the saying “‘handsome is as Hansome does” was written for him. I hate my shallowness - but what would you do? Keep looking for the perfect temperament with the looks, or compromise on the looks and have the slightly less attractive horse (nay, more than slightly …) who ticks every box bar the aesthetic one…. It’s weird - I am not someone who judges people in this way at all, i don’t notice what people look like - I just like them or not. But when it comes to horses I absolutely love a dark eye and sculpted face - not a heavy head and pink nose ? Would I grow to love him?? Or am I just being utterly shallow… what would you do?!? I do have a sense of what I should do…..