Buying from an auction


Well-Known Member
28 March 2008
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I'm considering buying my next horse from an auction and I was hoping people on here with experience of doing this might be able to give me some guidance. Things to watch out for, pitfalls etc etc


Well-Known Member
7 January 2008
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There are lots of different types of auction, so it is hard to give advice. Personally I would always want a horse vetted, so I would only buy from an auction where the horses had been previously vetted and where I could also ride the horse prior to the sale. I know this happens in Europe, but I am not sure that all the UK auctions are the same, other than the so called high performance sales.

I have been on holiday regularly to watch the sales in Verden and it seems very straight forward and "safe". I am very tempted to go there for my next horse.


Well-Known Member
26 April 2007
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The only thing I wonder about are the rumblings of dummy bids at the performance horse sales, I have heard this from respected trainers and in the breeding forum before where the breeder / seller of a horse gets other parties to bid to increase the prices paid by genuine people who think they are up against genuine competition.

I don't know about allround horse sales per se tbh.


Well-Known Member
6 March 2009
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i would be alittle wary imho a horse is at a auction because it has a problem but having said that the cob i have was bought from exeter auction but he does have a very scarred foot. but he is adorable in every other way


Well-Known Member
21 July 2008
West Yorkshire
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Ohhhh i'd say you were brave, local agricultural auctions ie york horse sales sell horses some are ridden before the ring soem are sold with warranty others dragged off wagon put in ring and sold without warranty. There are lots of unfortunate cases put through sales - I know people who send stunning horses with bags of potential through to the sales they do have issues though and if these people are unprepared to work with them they are obviosuly very deep issues. I also know of others who send the unsaleable there ones with health issues. But on the other hand there are people who have just been put in an unfortunate circumstance and need a quick sale these are the true bargains but lady luck has to be with you on the day!

On the flip side of the coin the bloodstock sales can produce the ultimate bargain, generally all quality stock who often just dont make the grade for racing but make absolutely superb performance horses!!


Well-Known Member
16 March 2008
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i bought one from Malvern Performance Sales so should be quite reputable.

horse was 3yro, meant to have been backed and turned away and turned out to be the most malicious, dangerous horse i have ever had (and i've bought and sold a few!).

ended up putting me in hospital, half killing himself and i sold him to my 4**** eventing boss. he thought it was the most talented horse he had ever had but unfortunately he was still dangerous 6 months later and went into Pedigree Chum.

i wouldn't do it again, unless the horse was old enough to be ridden or a weanling- there is so much grey area with 3yros and 4yros.