Buying / Selling - Help - Dilema


Well-Known Member
22 January 2004
Was Surrey - Now Vancouver, Canada!!!!!
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hello guys......

I'm in a slight dilema at the moment with horses!!???

My horse Ludo has been sent out to grass since he had a few pelvis issues around May / June time. He's been given the all clear by the chiro however, I had decided he would have hte whole summer off, and then bring him back as a hunter... and then after the hunting season decide if I wanted to keep him or sell him...

Now i'm not so sure, thanks to a frank email by Kelly1982!!! She suggested selling him now as what would you do with a hunter next summer and reminded me all my mates are eventing and that I'm quite jealous.... I have got the ride of the grey mare at the moment but she's not ever going to amount to much, and I want my own.

So I'm so scared to sell my horse although to buy another one, I'd have to have hte money... And what if he ended up in the wrong hands, how do you know who you sell to? Only ever sold one horse before and she never stayed in touch about how he got on, so I'm really worried.

Kelly suggested now being a good time to get a younger horse, as I'd have the winter to play and get to know them, wouldn't be tempted to take them out too often and then next year, be fit and ready to go, having done all the homework over hte winter - and hopefully do well

I'm just at a loss really as to what to do. I love my Ludo but he's not going to event, he doesn't enjoy going xc on his own. Would make a fantastic Team Chaser as he will follow for England and he will show jump happily up to about 3-3, both indoors and out. He's no flat work horse, but has scored 60+ in his first ever outing, so it's just his xc that lets him down. Either that or he'd make someone a very good hunter - has the cleanest legs I've ever seen on a hunt horse!!.

Pls guys, some realistic advice would be very helpful....



Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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Hi ya mate

Like is said before this is a decision only you can make as you know what you want in your heart and if Ludo can take you there.

I am just telling you what i know from personal experience. I knew Trike was never going to be able to do what i wanted him to do even if he did come right and i would end up resenting him as i wanted to be out competing with all my mates as thats what i originally brought him for.

Dont get me wrong i loved him to bits but he was too expensive to keep as a pet so i decided to sell him to someone who wasn't going to push him and just wanted a horse to love and pamper. I knew he would be much happier with this as i also think he was resenting me for trying to make him do things he was finding hard doing.

Selling him was the best decision i ever made as i know he is in an excellent home and is much happer there. As for new owners keeping in touch i think thats a gamble you are going to have to take as not everyone will want to keep in touch but that doesn't mean he wont be in the best possible care. You will know in your heart if it is a good home or not and like i said before you are in no rush to sell so make sure that you are happy selling him first.

Dont rush into anything at the mo just think about it for a while and see how you feel then.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2004
Was Surrey - Now Vancouver, Canada!!!!!
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Cheers Kelly

I will have a think and talk to a few people, also let it be known he's on the market as some people may be looking for hunters about now, to start the new season etc. He's impecable out hunting, and stands for england at covers / checks / meets etc, and then livens up to jump anything put in front of him... I'm sure he will be happy, but as you know it's bl**dy hard considering sellign somehting you care about so much.

there again, i could have masses of fun hunting him myself - so have real dilema. only huntsman's horses stand so quietly....

have sent you an email now too LOL!!!



Opinions are like bum holes, everyone has one.
22 July 2005
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There is no point changing your ambitions just to fit in with your horse as you will always feel you are missing out. Would recommend selling - if it does not work out then you can have some fun in the meantime hunting him.
You can get a horse which will do xc on his own and hunt - so best of both worlds. I had my youngster in Nov and it was a slog but good as did all the basics such as HT in March and April setting us up nicely for eventing.


Well-Known Member
22 January 2004
Was Surrey - Now Vancouver, Canada!!!!!
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Yes, I know what you are saying. When I first got him, it wasn't eventing that I wanted to do, but I have had a tast of it, and it beats everything else i've done. I'm a thrill seeker - hence why I enjoy hunting - but sadly, he doesn't like going xc without his mates!!! He's amazing behind anohter horse and we successfully did pairs HT's this year, but he isn't going to change now, and as i've been told, will no doubt be a super horse for someone to hack / hunt / team chase on... Just feel I'm letting him down by selling him - or even just contemplating selling him...



Well-Known Member
8 July 2006
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It is a really difficult decision to make but I would have to say sell him before the hunt season and start to look around for potential event type.
Would be awful if you kept him on for another season and he got worse. x