Calmers for work while on box rest?

chestnut cob

Well-Known Member
24 November 2004
I'm not generally one for feeding calmers but could do with some recommendations/ experiences please.

Horse is currently on box rest due to a nasty fall in the field. Turnout is banned because he plays too much, even on a stable-sized patch, and makes the injury much worse. So he's working from the box, getting up to an hour 6 days a week (hacking only). Doing around 60:40 walk/trot and introducing canter this weekend. He also gets out for a graze in hand. I have never needed to feed this horse a calmer as even though he does have a tendency to be sharp and spooky, he's always worked through it. Now he's so full of energy that he can't concentrate and he absolutely has to work softly and correctly during the work to sort out the injury.

He gets no hard feed, hay only. I am not someone who gets nervous and I know this horse inside out, so it's not me or my riding causing the tension and behaviour. He's in the vast majority of the time. He's always been a horse who has boundless energy - he can do a full days' eventing, have half an hour break and feel like he's ready to go again. I've joked that he's like the Duracell bunny of the horse world. I have never been able to exhaust him which is great under normal circumstances but is proving to be a bit of a nightmare now!

Can anyone suggest a short term calmer that might help relieve some of the tension while we're in this unfortunate situation? Once he goes back out in the field (hopefully in about a months' time, all being well) he should start to get back to normal.

Thanks :)


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17 August 2008
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Valerian does work - which is why its a banned substance. But it doesn't sound like you are going to be competing for a while anyway. Or possibly ask your vet for some ACP? To be honest I don't think any of the competition safe calmers are going to touch him in this particular situation. You're not dealing with a stressy horse so much as one with just too much energy.


Well-Known Member
11 June 2010
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Valerian is a good suggestion, I personally wouldn't want to give ACP as you are riding him, though it would definitely work.

Problem is that normal calmers will take a while to build p and work and by that time he will hopefully be back on turnout.

I would be tempted to long rein him if he is being a danger to himself! I am very jealous of your horse having endless energy, please could you bottle some and send it to me :)


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9 April 2013
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my friend used to get sedalin from her vet when taking her feisty mare out- took a little while to work out the right dose to keep her calm but not make her too sleepy! as far as I know it is quite fast acting so could work when given shortly before you plan on exercise.

chestnut cob

Well-Known Member
24 November 2004
Thanks all - I had been thinking about valerian.

He isn't a danger to himself, he just can't concentrate or relax and when he's like that, it's impossible to get him to really work correctly. He thinks trotting is the.most.exciting.thing.ever. so once we've had a couple of trots, he doesn't want to walk and he is hugely over excited. I'm going to ask for ACP for the first couple of times he's turned out but I don't want to work him on ACP/ Sedalin - he isn't that bad and TBH I don't think it's particularly safe. I also don't want that on his insurance claim because at renewal I'll end up with some idiotic exclusion for dangerous temperament or something like that!

Don't fancy long reining, we're out on the roads plus I have to do trot and canter work so I'd be skiing along behind him I think!

LJR - you are very welcome to have some of his energy! He definitely doesn't need it all!!


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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A friend gave hers a tiny dose of Sedalin when she had to bring him back to work towards the end of box rest. I think for hacking, the right dose will be fine, I wouldn't want to do more than that though.

chestnut cob

Well-Known Member
24 November 2004
On the theme of Valerian calmers... would you go for a pure Valerian supplement (ie the bags of it that people like Natural Horse Supplies sell) or a mixed supplement, like Calm & Collected?
Or even the Lincoln Valerian Cordial, as I can syringe that every day rather than having to give hard feed, which is the last thing he needs!


Well-Known Member
11 June 2010
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On the theme of Valerian calmers... would you go for a pure Valerian supplement (ie the bags of it that people like Natural Horse Supplies sell) or a mixed supplement, like Calm & Collected?
Or even the Lincoln Valerian Cordial, as I can syringe that every day rather than having to give hard feed, which is the last thing he needs!

I'd go with the Cordial and syringe it :)


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
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I've always been sceptical about calmers, but on my vet's advice I used Prokalm for when my boy (also known as the duracell bunny!) had to be on boxrest and I am staggered at how effective it is. It is pricey, but I've claimed for it on my insurance.


15 October 2012
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I use Clop with my gelding.I is a liquid of linseed and Valarian. I tried several and this is the most affective for my pony. I mix it in his chaff or give it to him on a slice of bread an hour or so before going out. He used to wind himself up over over all sorts, like an inch high tractor on the horizon. Now he just gives it a quick look and carries on. I only use it for hacking out.
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Well-Known Member
17 July 2008
I used to use the Valerian cordial with my old stressy mare for yard changes etc and it does really work.

A friend had a stress-head welsh D on box rest that was driving everyone crazy, she used Global Herbs Box Rest with him and it made a noticeable difference. No idea what is in it though.