Calming down AFTER hunting


Well-Known Member
4 July 2005
East Sussex
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I took my youngster (just 5) out with the bloodhounds on Sat and we had a fantabulous time! She was great out and very mannerly when waiting etc. However after we finished she would not settle, even an hour later back at home she was still pacing her box.

Will she settle eventually or are other horses like this? lots of the others were pratting about during the hunt but afterwards everyone elses horses just dozed off by their haynets as good as gold!

I'm hoping to go again tomorrow and I am prepared for her to be much worse now she knows what to expect!

Any advice or reassurances welcome!


Well-Known Member
7 February 2006
muddy bit!!!
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When i get mine home after a good days hunting- in his head he'll continue hunting for a good 2 hrs afterwards. And it will upset his poo's aswell for at least 24hrs.......... Always done it.........
In mid winter it's a real pain as i can't leave stable until his has settle cos i'm built that way.

I always make sure he does have nice haynet and water is not too cold for him nor to much and he's fine

But he has got better over years but he's now 14 :smirk: :smirk: but he just loves following hounds. He can even get upset if someone phone goes off the the hunting horns as their ringtone. That's called instant poo!!!


Well-Known Member
4 January 2008
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Mine does this, i think she is still looking for the other horses and it must be adrenaline too. i turn her out for a roll and gallop and then bring her in usually.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2007
Thirsk, North Yorkshire, UK
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Its quite normal, really don't worry about it. Every horse is different. My lad switches off as soon as you leave the hunt, the horse OH hunts carries on hunting in his head for a couple of days.

And once they've been a few times it may well change.

Are you able to turn your horse out (field or school or barn or something) when you get home? just for an hour or so whilst you muck out, unload the box, have a cup of tea and whatever. That would give her a chance to wander around, roll, unwind. It may not work, but it's worth a try, she certainly won't be any the worse for a short turn out.

try to make sure you have a mile or so hacking back to the box in walk too, that helps them to cool down, calm down and switch off.

Most importantly though.... don't worry, it is quite normal.


Well-Known Member
4 July 2005
East Sussex
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thanks for the replies.

I didn't turn her out as I didn't get home until 8pm, but i think next time I will. We did have a short hack back to the lorry but she jogged the whole way:eek:

All her poos etc were normal so I wasn't too concerned.
