Cambridgeshire Shows


10 September 2004
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I've been trawling t'internet for upcoming shows in Cambridgeshire and I've hardly found any..! Most of the ones that I have found are in Norfolk and at least 1hr30mins away. I don't have any transport but do know a kind lady who has offered to give me the odd lift, but I'd feel incredibly cheeky asking her to spend her entire day ferrying me about if it was a long way away - seeing as she'd only be able to tow my horse due to weight.

My other alternative is to hire transport but at £100 a pop at least a Prelim/Novice test and a 60-70cm course hardly seems worth it!

Do you know of any venues in this area, or are any of you going to any and fancy a hitch hiker?! Looking forward to Manor Farm re-opening!

I'm just north of Huntingdon.

Dewdrop_Roses xxx


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12 October 2011
Generally on a hill.. when not blown off the side.
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I've been trawling t'internet for upcoming shows in Cambridgeshire and I've hardly found any..! Most of the ones that I have found are in Norfolk and at least 1hr30mins away. I don't have any transport but do know a kind lady who has offered to give me the odd lift, but I'd feel incredibly cheeky asking her to spend her entire day ferrying me about if it was a long way away - seeing as she'd only be able to tow my horse due to weight.

My other alternative is to hire transport but at £100 a pop at least a Prelim/Novice test and a 60-70cm course hardly seems worth it!

Do you know of any venues in this area, or are any of you going to any and fancy a hitch hiker?! Looking forward to Manor Farm re-opening!

I'm just north of Huntingdon.

Dewdrop_Roses xxx

Hey!! Im in Cambs as well, can't be of any help really, only place I know nearby is Keysoe, you could join the HRDC group on facebook and ask on there.

Hopefully get my HGV in the spring/summer time so I can drive the lorry and if I'm passing your way happily pick you up... make it a bit nicer, I get tired of constantly being a loner with my horses... not the the horses dont keep me company!! lol xxx


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18 July 2011
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Hi i'm cambs too. Went to my local tack shop yesterday and there was nothing on the board in there! I presume Manor Farm isnt up and running again? Sorry, i havent got any suggestions!


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10 April 2009
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What sort of shows are you after?
There's Lordsbridge, Fenning Farm, Long Drove Dressage Centre (they do stuff other than dressage). There's also Over and Distric Riding Club that do a lot of clinics/SJ/Dressage/shows and cambridge and district.
If you look on horsedates there's loads of stuff :)
Hope that helps

PS 5horses2dogsandacat if you ever fancy company to an event let me know, am always trying to scav lifts :p (happy to pay cost yada yada)


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25 May 2010
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What sort of shows are you after?
There's Lordsbridge, Fenning Farm, Long Drove Dressage Centre (they do stuff other than dressage). There's also Over and Distric Riding Club that do a lot of clinics/SJ/Dressage/shows and cambridge and district.
If you look on horsedates there's loads of stuff :)

Plus college of West Anglia in Milton do winter series of dressage/SJ (and I think they've started doing arena eventing too).

PS 5horses2dogsandacat if you ever fancy company to an event let me know, am always trying to scav lifts :p (happy to pay cost yada yada)
p.p.s. ditto!


10 September 2004
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@5horses2dogsandacat, that sounds great, thank you very much :)

Well there's certainly a few ideas to go by there! I'd forgotten about Long Drove. I see a lot of horses in paddocks etc on my way to the yard so I'm sure I could catch a lift with someone, it's finding ways to contact them without sounding like a complete stalker!

Roll on summer ey, no mud and loads of shows in warm weather!

Dewdrop_Roses xxx


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19 May 2006
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Manor Farm will be opening again this summer

You have keysoe which is just inside the bedfordshire border

As others said Long drove, fenning farm have shows on. Over and District will be doing shows in the better weather. HRDC also.

Milton college of course have lots as others have mentioned.

If you just pop across to suffolk The Jays have loads of shows on!


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19 December 2007
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I'm in Over & District RC. Most years we have one dressage show, one sj and two showing shows (usually include a few jumping classes). The showing shows are the 2nd May Bank Holiday Monday and the August Bank Holiday Monday. There's a committee meeting later this month so I might have some dates after that. (I've just rejoined the committee after a few years being an ordinary member).

Otherwise, keep your eyes peeled on horsedates, riding diary, hdrc, canddrc websites, also the venues mentioned, keysoe, fenning, sissons, milton.

Milton have a few pigs there, not sure if you can see or just smell them.

Fair amount of pleasure rides once we get into spring: EGB do several in Thetford Forest, also one at Wimpole Hall. Other pleasure rides last year included one at Keysoe, the Steeple Morden one, Thurlow Hunt, Cambridgeshire Hunt, Hatley Park, Newmarket, Hildersham & Balsham, Willingham (EGB), also Vale of Belvoir (EGB) is Melton Mowbray which isn't far from you and there's another EGB one in autumn about 10 miles west of Huntingdon in red kite territory, and sometimes someone will organise a Grafham Water ride. BHS have got a ride later this year too, Bedford area.

There's also Gransden Show in autumn which always has horse classes.

ODRC's monthly flatwork and jumping lessons are open to non-members too. We've got flatwork and jumping on Sun 15 Jan in large outdoor rubber arena at Over with Fran Berry.

There's an indoor trec at Shuttleworth in February, also usually HDRC do an outdoor trec.

Then there's Ely Eventing Centre and Potton cross country course and Waresley Gallops/Cross Country course, which either have events or are hire-able. Waresley is gorgeous!

Lots more hacking opportunities now with guided bus bridleway opening up the area, plus all the links into and and around it that are/have been created, so if you ever want hacking company let me know.

Last Sunday EGB held an organised pleasure ride around Camborne (circular bridleway). It's a ride which can be done at any time provided you sort the parking out. Likewise Wimpole Park, Willingham/Over fens, Coveney, all lovely areas to explore. If you want company, give me a shout as I'm always up for exploring new areas provided I can find somewhere safe to leave my car and trailer.
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Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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As others have said, Fenning Farm, CWA, Longdrove all have stuff regularly.

I'd say I'll see you there but I don't have transport either so I won't :(

But hello fellow Cambridge person :)