Well-Known Member
Just a musing really. There are alot of posts on here regarding horses which are free to good home, which generally have negative responses. Now I can fully understand why an aged horse who has been somebody's faithful servant will created negative responses, and I fully agree that we owe it to these golden oldies to give them a safe retirement, weather that is as a field ornament or if there is a change of circumstances PTS. But is there ever a time when free to good home is a good course of action to take?
The only experiance I have ever had of 'free to good home' didn't end well, when the lady I had got the horse from (he was skin and bone, and apparently dangerous to ride) decided to try and take me to court, saying I had stolen her horse, the week after he had won his first ODE (funny that
). Luckily I had kept the original written correspondances which clearly stated he was free to who ever could catch him! It never got further than a solicitors letter, before she back tracked. In time he turned into a cracking horse.
So just musings really, have you done it (both sides), did it work? Or is it always a no no?
The only experiance I have ever had of 'free to good home' didn't end well, when the lady I had got the horse from (he was skin and bone, and apparently dangerous to ride) decided to try and take me to court, saying I had stolen her horse, the week after he had won his first ODE (funny that
So just musings really, have you done it (both sides), did it work? Or is it always a no no?