Well-Known Member
Just what the title says really. The physio said this about my horse..... he was ultimately diagnosed with something else.
Not sure - depends what is meant by that I suppose.
What I do know is that it is not possible to 'put a pelvis back in' as a lot of back people seem to claim to be able to do. It would take an enormoue amount of force to be able to do that, and I just don't think it's possible to do.
I'm sure a physio can help relax and re-educate muscle - but not manipulate a horse's pelvis back into place.............?
Was it a physio, or chiro?
It was probably HVT manipulation, to re-align the pelvis with the spine. Yes, horses can 'put it out', as can we.
I'd be concerned if a qualified chiro couldn't tell whether the pelvis was aligned or not, since that is their specialty! A physio, however, wouldn't surprise me - I haven't much faith in them with these matters.