Cat 103
New User
Hi my name is Cat and I'm a mature student currently looking for a horse to ride in Bristol. I'm a fairly experienced rider (but maybe a little rusty) and would really love to get back into ridding. I have been looking for a part share in Bristol but unfortunately as a student I cannot contribute financially the amount people seems to be wanting. I am hoping to find someone looking for practical help with their horse a few days a week but without a hefty financial commitment? I am long on time but short on money as the saying goes. If anyone could point me in the right direction that would be great. I understand the chances of this might be slim as I'm sure most people will want a financial contribution. However if I could be of practical help to someone that would be great. Just a little about myself. I'm in my mid 20's and studying to be a primary teacher. Once upon a time I owned a TB x Connemara and a Welsh Section D. I also used to be a part time groom in the not so distant past. My relocation to Bristol for Uni a few years ago means that I am no longer near any of my horsey friends and really miss riding and the horsey community. Hoping to hear from someone, Cat