Can bonding with a share pony happen?


26 January 2017
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Can I draw on your wonderful vast experience Please?

I am 6 weeks into sharing a riding school pony. He is deemed the most rock solid of them all, yet he does everything I ask of him pretty well when we are riding.

I spend about 4 hours on my one day a week, grooming, riding, ground work, playing, just started hacking, grooming again.

I have 2 questions

1) do you think he will ever really know me? Have a bond as they say. Not entirely sure I can define what I mean by that! When the rest of the week he is handled and ridden by everyone and their dog!

2) Can I do any harm to his behaviour? Eg I like to feed him his Apple treats by hiding them around the arena after we have finished and he is un-tacked and just in a head collar (with the gate closed!) could this cause any problems with his required behaviours as a RS pony?

Many thanks everyone!


Well-Known Member
17 August 2008
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The issue of whether you can bond with any pony gets mixed responses. Sometimes folk look for more from the horse / human relationship than the horse is really able to give. Will he come to know you? Yes almost certainly. Will that be an affectionate relationship? That depends on the horse really. It is more difficult to form a relationship based on close knowledge with a horse where you don't have the ability to alter his environment.

Hiding treats around the arena... well if the RS don't mind I can't see anything directly to object to. But many RS's would prefer horses are not given treats at all as it can encourage them to nip or nuzzle humans which can upset less confident riders. I would also worry about him ingesting sand from the arena surface which could cause colic. It certainly is not something I would permit with my horses - but I do hide vegetable treats (carrots etc) in the stable for them.

Edit to add - just spotted you are the same poster with the unexpected canter. Sorry missed that in my other reply.
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Well-Known Member
29 January 2008
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Ponies like people are individuals, some ponies are friendlier and like attention more than others. So it will depend on the pony and what activities you do with it and what the pony likes. My pony for example likes having his head gently massaged but some horses are head shy and don't like having their head touched.

Fours hours a week is decent amount of time to spend together so the pony should get to know you at least and hopefully over time you will be able to find out what the pony likes. However don't be offended if you find he actually prefers to be left alone in peace rather than fussed over.

I would be careful with the treats as ponies are often greedy and can become aggressive around treats. I try not to give my pony treats unless I am using them to do stretching exercises with him.