Can I get a sense check - old horse with thrush


Well-Known Member
17 August 2008
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Forgive the long post - virtual chocs and hugs for anyone who gets that far!

28yr old cob; owned for the last 18 years. Developed thrush for the first time in his life 5 weeks ago. On farrier advice (and I do trust my farriers...) hibi scrub and iodine twice per day for 7 days; hibi scrib + iodine Am and frog oil PM for a further 7 days. The front feet recovered but the hinds were just getting worse.

Did a bit of research - realised I was probabbly not on the right track and the treatment was too aggresive. Dropped to scrub with water only and copper sulfate spray. Probably 4 - 5 days. Thought we were OK and residual raggedness etc would resolve on next shoeing. 3 days later - thrush back. Slightly wiser this time I ordered red horse products which came on Monday.

So - the last week has been soul cleanse in the evening and packed with artimud in the morning. Fronts looked fine by yesterday. However - the hind heels have gone really "boggy" with a deep central sulcus that isn't usual for him and there is weepy scabbing at the top of the heel bulb. He is not lame, it isn't sore, he doesn't object to me prodding etc.

So - and this is where the sense check is needed.... Farrier is checking today. If no clear direction will get the vet on monday.

I think what has happened is that the use of very agressive cleaning has damaged the skin on the heel and that is the cause of the scabbing. Treated last night with Flamazine and will continue. I -think- the boggy heel is probably connected and the right course is probably to flush the sulcus with soul cleanse. Dry and pack with artimud. Carry on over the weekend and see.

What do you think HHO's? Am I more or less on the right track? Or could the artimud be the cuase not the cure? He's my beloved old man and I only want to do the best for him.

Was Cushings tested last year and negative - I will get that re-done. No other signs of cushings but he is clipped every 4 - 6 weeks. Onset co-incided with having to swap to a higher sugar chaff as I couldn't get my regular in lockdown - don't know if that had anything to do with it.

Be kind....


Well-Known Member
13 November 2012
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At his age with his symptoms I would be tempted to ask about treating for cushings even if he doesn't test positive. I think some vets will do that as the tests do throw false negatives?

Other than that... I've been battling really raggy frogs on The Beast all winter. Didn't clear up as it dried out. Really not good. RedHorse not working usual miracles. Have been giving them a course of Cuppra each... frogs are now healing up! Worth trying a copper boost?


Well-Known Member
17 August 2008
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What is his diet made up of?

1/3 scoop A&P Cool and Collected and 1 scoop Honeychop Lite & Healthy in 2 feeds. MSM, Linseed & brewers yeast. In second week of lockdown - so 4 weeks - ish (I lost all track of time in lockdown) before this started I had to use 1 bag of hiFi Lite which has masses more sugar.

Turned out during the day, not much grass in the feilds. Stabled at night. 3.5Kg hay overnight. Last weigh bridge in Nov was 404Kgs (He's 13.2). I weigh tape weekly - although it isn't accurate, it is comparative and I don't think he has gained significantly. (As in not more than 10Kgs out ) Mostly retired. He's ridden once or twice a week.

Worth trying a copper boost?

I'll try anything! I was considering a vertran supplement anyway as his feed is right on the baseline for Vits & Mins. Will look inot this now.

At his age with his symptoms I would be tempted to ask about treating for cushings even if he doesn't test positive

Yes I was thinking that too. Vet is due out next week anyway so will discuss.


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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Forgive the long post - virtual chocs and hugs for anyone who gets that far!

28yr old cob; owned for the last 18 years. Developed thrush for the first time in his life 5 weeks ago. On farrier advice (and I do trust my farriers...) hibi scrub and iodine twice per day for 7 days; hibi scrib + iodine Am and frog oil PM for a further 7 days. The front feet recovered but the hinds were just getting worse.

Did a bit of research - realised I was probabbly not on the right track and the treatment was too aggresive. Dropped to scrub with water only and copper sulfate spray. Probably 4 - 5 days. Thought we were OK and residual raggedness etc would resolve on next shoeing. 3 days later - thrush back. Slightly wiser this time I ordered red horse products which came on Monday.

So - the last week has been soul cleanse in the evening and packed with artimud in the morning. Fronts looked fine by yesterday. However - the hind heels have gone really "boggy" with a deep central sulcus that isn't usual for him and there is weepy scabbing at the top of the heel bulb. He is not lame, it isn't sore, he doesn't object to me prodding etc.

So - and this is where the sense check is needed.... Farrier is checking today. If no clear direction will get the vet on monday.

I think what has happened is that the use of very agressive cleaning has damaged the skin on the heel and that is the cause of the scabbing. Treated last night with Flamazine and will continue. I -think- the boggy heel is probably connected and the right course is probably to flush the sulcus with soul cleanse. Dry and pack with artimud. Carry on over the weekend and see.

What do you think HHO's? Am I more or less on the right track? Or could the artimud be the cuase not the cure? He's my beloved old man and I only want to do the best for him.

Was Cushings tested last year and negative - I will get that re-done. No other signs of cushings but he is clipped every 4 - 6 weeks. Onset co-incided with having to swap to a higher sugar chaff as I couldn't get my regular in lockdown - don't know if that had anything to do with it.

Be kind....

I would guess the hibiscrub is to blame for the damage to the skin. I never use on horse's legs.

I would have continued the copper sulphate. I would go back to scrubbing hard the surface of t he frog, the grooves and the central sulchus daily with copper sulphate. After around 4 days I would do it every other day. I think you didn't carry on with Copper sulphate long enough.

If you have wet sugary grass (that is on the outside of the frog and grooves not what he has eaten) then I would make sure I cleaned the frog area twice a day.

I would keep up the CS regime every few days. I don't use red horse products, apart from hoof stuff I never found they did much. I would keep the frogs/grooves as dry and clean as possible. If you want a change from CS use iodine on it's own.


Well-Known Member
18 November 2012
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I had brilliant success with a nasty bout of central sulcus thrush that just wouldn't clear after trying everything including red horse products.... the only thing that cleared it up was Kevin Bacon Hoof Solution. Its about £16-£20 for a tiny bottle but my gosh it works! Fabulous stuff. Smells like balsamic vinegar!


Well-Known Member
17 August 2008
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Some one else has reccommended that hoof solution too. I'll paint and plaster him with everything under the sun if it helps!

Anyone tried Leovet Frogmedic? That was the other possibility that came up.


Well-Known Member
17 August 2008
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Just a quick update for anyone who is searching threads looking for help as I was last week! On farrier reccommendation I packed the sulcus am and pm with coarse table salt held in place with a twist of cotton wool damped with tea tree oil. The heel bulbs are drying up slowly and the rest of the foot coming firm. I bought the hoof solution as reccommended - that arrives today and I'll continue with that. The skin above the heel continues to be weepy and wet because of the skin damage from the harsher products. I'll continue with flamazine on that but am thinking about switching to salt water to try to get it to dry. Cushings test also done - although I do know the risk of a false negative there. Hopefully we are on our way.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Leovet frog medic is fantastic stuff.

OP I suspect something is off with your oldie .
I would get a Cushing test done .
Metabolic problems can cause all sorts of fungal issues .


Well-Known Member
25 August 2010
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I never ever use hibiscrub one of mine is so allergic and it caused a huge problems for me and him years ago so ditched it, my go to for feet is iodine, swan antibac or and funnily enough years ago I have used dermobion which I know you can't get anymore here, flamaxine is brilliant I use it for most things and it really does heal things up quickly.


Well-Known Member
25 January 2008
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I would try to reduce the sugar in his diet and get a really good all round vit & mineral supplement that has no iron in it. The ones recommended for barefooters, something like forage plus, progressive earth, or equimins advance.

Persistent thrush is likely to be due to something going on inside, either sugar levels or mineral levels.