Can somebody explain the Tote to me?


Well-Known Member
22 May 2009
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its the betting system that all of our (UK) horse racing racing & most of the breedings draws most of it's funding from, so prize money, funding for breed improvement, security at events.....
I have gleamed that there's an attempt at privatisation of the Tote- but this could leave the racing industry high and dry with only 50% of current funding....with funding then likely to be unstable....
would just like a bit more insider knowledge to figure out if I've understood it all correctly....


Well-Known Member
29 November 2007
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Its a state owned (tho soon to be sold off) means of betting, which was established to provide a means of channelling funds back into racing in the days before bookmakers had to pay a betting levy on all bets and to provide legal off course betting (it used to be illegal).

They are a pool betting system ie all the bets added up minus contrib to racing charity are the win fund available. payoff odds are calculated by sharing the pool among all winning bets. In some countries it is known as the Tote after the totalisator which calculates and displays bets already made.

It differs from bookmaker betting as(fixed-odds betting) in that the final payout is not determined until the pool is closed – in fixed odds betting, the payout is agreed at the time the bet is sold. Hence bookmakers 'starting prices'