Canada and USA. ..


Well-Known Member
1 December 2012
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Can you help me out? Im in England studying at 6th form and really fancy going to university in CA or USA, preferably an equine uni or college. Does this happen? Any advice or recommendations?
A big thank you for letting me hijack your overseas section of the forum! (feeling very jelous of you all) :)

Spring Feather

Well-Known Member
30 December 2010
North America
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Student fees for international students are high over here so be prepared! There are some agricultural and equestrian universities around. You'd have to decide on an area and then look around to see what is available. It's a pretty darned big place over here :D Choose your weather, some places like where I am get up to +40c in the summer and it's sweltering (although I love it! :) ) and then it goes down to -40c in the winter. If you're looking for a more ambient temperature then you would need to look further south. I don't know if you'd be allowed to work to help pay for your studies and accommodation, you'd have to check that out. It would be a fantastic opportunity for you though and if you can find the money to do it then I'm sure you'll love it over here :)


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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Can you help me out? Im in England studying at 6th form and really fancy going to university in CA or USA, preferably an equine uni or college. Does this happen? Any advice or recommendations?
A big thank you for letting me hijack your overseas section of the forum! (feeling very jelous of you all) :)


For the USA :-
Have a look at the Fulbright website -

They are the official people to talk to about studying in the USA and can give you any info you need about studying in the USA.

The fees are very high for internationals and are higher at private universities than public universities so bear this in mind. For an undergraduate degree at a foreign, you get no help from Student Finance England (i.e. no loan, help with fees etc.) so you would have to think about whether you could afford it. Some of the, particularly private, universities in the USA have means tested scholorships but Fulbright would know more about this and whether you would qualify etc.

There are some equine colleges/unis but study in the USA, particularly at undergrad level, is much more 'rounded' than in the UK. So it is likely that in the first and second years of uni (uni is four years generally, both in USA and Canada) you would be taking courses in business, psychology, maths, chemistry, physics etc. They also don't tend to (although not always the case) have "Equine" degrees, it's usually "Animal Science" with an equine specialty. In my opinion though, this is good as it doesn't limit your options later on if you want to work for a feed company etc.

I studied abroad for a semester at a US uni (I study Equine Science here in the UK but did Animal Science there with a focus on the equine stuff) and absolutely loved it. I felt like I got a much better general education over there and preferred their way of working. If I do postgrad study, it will most likely not be in the UK.

I got recommended Michigan State as a good uni for equine (I know someone who did undergrad, masters and PhD there, all in equine based subjects).

Hope that's helpful :)