Canada goose brings down power lines down in our field


Well-Known Member
13 November 2012
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Given the amount of things horses seem to be able to randomly die of I'm going to try not to worry too much about powerlines in fields and the frankly rediculous amounts of geese and swans that grace our skies here! ? Jeez I can't worry anymore, I'm out of worry room.

Hopefully we're close enough to, but also far enough away from, the loch for them to aim for that instead and not try to land in our field!


Well-Known Member
17 October 2016
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We used to have 11,000v lines over the top of my barn, our and next door's supply came via a step down transformer mounted on a pole in the shared access track. One evening there was a thunderstorm and the transformer was struck and blew up!! Exceedingly spectacular and loud. Down came the wires which were draped over the barn and the stock wire boundary fence unfortunately the system has an automatic re-energise so 11,000v went down the wires cue another set of loud bangs and sparks the barn was ok but both bits of fence were destroyed. The very very scary thing was horses were in the barn and we could not go near it until it was confirmed the line was isolated. Fortunately they did not seem too worried. I was rather pleased we had a wooden barn with an Onduline roof so it was electrically insulated.

It is not a worry any more as a few years later the whole supply was put underground, the lines served a few villages north of us and were prone to damage so we had regular power outages. Win win for us as we had wanted the supply into the house underground but the cost was enormous. We had already put a conduit in so it saved the drive being dug up and we got the connection done free of charge.