Well-Known Member
Thought I woulld share my experiences of cardboard bedding. I have an old mare who has COPD. I have tried all sorts of bedding. Shavings are the worst, as although they may be dust extracted, as the horse treds on the flakes, they break down to create more dust. They are costly at almost £8 a bale, and having 3 stables horses the cost was horrendous. I tried easi bed, again costly, and not absorbent. Also tried BLISS, was assured horses wouldn't eat it, old mare did! Tried shredded paper, total rubbish, balls togeather, and slides around on rubbed matting. Then I discovered a marvelous company in Shropshire who make shredded cardboard bedding (20KG bales) Perfect. Totally absorbent, biodegradeable, dust free and cheap. £4.25 a bale. He will deliver for a nominal charge. I will never use any other bedding. I don't want to put his details on here, but if anyone wants more info please pm me.