Hunting on a saturday - Bath, hours nap (if i have time!), pizza, then get ready to go out, top up mornings alcohol and go out!
Last week i got up to get pony ready at 6.30am, went hunting,came home, no time for a nap, went out and didnt get back till 5.30am!! Needless to say i was very tired!!
Hunting any other day - Clean tack, Bath, Food, Bed!!
I get home, do the pony, go inside, do tack, boots and coat. Collapse on the sofa. Sleep for a bit. Go upstairs for a bath and then back in front of the tv for nice picky food and then upstairs to bed (and always wake up at 6 even if its Sunday morning which ruins the lie in's!!)
sort horse out, home, food, sleep, then maybe go out depending on how tired i am!
Saturday i am hunting, sorting horse out,going home, having tea (probably in and straight out again!!!) then hunt revue (pantomime type thing) then off out to the local bar for a big celebration no doubt getting in ver early in the morning! (i neeeeeeed my sleep so will be absolutely dead on sunday :crazy: lol) this is a one off though thank goodness!! :grin:
Horse gets all the attention, then when hes done cant stop thinking bout hunting and try to come down from the buzz! A real must to have a good hot bath to relieve acheing muscles next day. I love it!
i come home...have a long hot soak in a nice bath =D order a it, watch some tv them go straight to bed!! im always nackered and need 2 prepare 2 wake up with all my muscles stiff!! LOL
mandy xx ly xx