Well-Known Member
Our local RSPCA is charging £10 for male cat (£20 female) no excuse for any cat not to be done. Thank you RSPCA I will also be leaving a donation
Just our of interest then, what do you think a cat spay should cost? What do you think that should include and what outgoings do u understand the vet has for each spay procedure? Xx
Add to that, a spay is in fact a major op. no one would think lightly if having a hysterectomy would they? How many of you are aware of the cost if that op for humans either to the nhs or privately? It often runs to tens of thousands. And the skill level required to carry out the procedure is substantial. For vets, it's a day one competency. The skills required are the same, it is the same procedure and many practices now do the procedures laparoscopically in bitches. The risks to both human and dog/cat are the same. Do you still think vets overcharge?
where's my LIKE button ?
Oh this would have been a better place for my video Here we are: