Cat heart murmur.


Well-Known Member
18 December 2011
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Our latest addition is the Felix lookalike, he's 8 or 9 months old. He was dumped and we rescued him from a wood pile where 5 big dogs were waiting for him to come out of hiding! He was about 6 weeks old when we grabbed him, he's now about 9 months old, he's had his nads off about a month or so ago. He has a pretty big heart murmur, the type you can hear with the naked ear! I can hear it swooshing (yes, probably not a proper word that..) We are obviously taking all advice possible from our vet but it doesn't seem to be troubling him. He's as mad and lively as any other kitty I've had but I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with this kind of problem?



Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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I have a little she barn cat that has a heart murmur, so bad in fact that when she went in to be spayed the surgery phoned me to say that she had a 50/50 chance of surviving the operation.

We went ahead anyway, it would have been more strain for her having litter after litter. Currently she is sitting outside my window, 20' up a tree irritating the hell out of a squirrel. ;)

Our philosophy is that we let the cat lead as normal a life as possible, and that she will pace herself. We don't do anything different with her at all, the vet said they couldn't do anything about it that didn't involve drugs and/or surgery. Neither route is one we wished to follow - unless she is obviously suffering - which she doesn't appear to be.

Very cute cat you have there, and yes, he could almost have modelled for that advert!

Out of curiosity, what does the Vet say?


Well-Known Member
18 December 2011
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Thankyou for replying!

The vet advised us to let him grow as much as possible before doing the neutering. We had to get him done at 8 months because he was getting a bit randy though not spraying. They intubated him and gave him the minimum anaesthetic possible. He's had a cardiogram and will have another soon to see if it's got any better because apparently it can inprove as they grow. I don't think it has though because I can still hear it loud and clear! When he had the cardiogram he was too small to tell where in the heart it was coming from, so really we don't know much yet! But it certainly isn't affecting him, he's very lively and growing well etc..

It's a bit of a watch this space, but nice to hear of another puss who's coping well! He's the sweetest cat, really could have done without taking a 4th one on but you know how it is..

Mrs B

Well-Known Member
3 May 2010
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Missed this one - what a sweet little guy! Lucky boy to have found you. I found my darling Small terrified in my haystack at about 6 months old. Although her problem wasn't a heart murmur, she had a huge amount else wrong with her but I was lucky enough to have her with me for 16 years in the end. :eek:

He may well surprise you too ;)


Well-Known Member
3 October 2012
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One of our boys has a heart murmer, the vet said it was likely inherited due to his breeding. He is three now and runs around like a loon and it doesnt affect him at all and there isnt anything we can do about it anyway so we just make sure he has the best life possible :)
