Well-Known Member
I'm pretty certain there is something wrong with my cat, she's 8 years old and never had any problems before apart from some skin conditions and a puffy lip. Yesterday she slept on the corner of my bed at 10 am, she didn't move and was still there at 4 pm when I got back from my theory test. I then went and schooled the horses and at 9 30pm when I returned she still hadn't moved. She hasn't been fast asleep all of the time but sometimes just lying there dozing in various positions.. she stayed there all night and she normally gets off because I roll over and disturb her in when i'm sleeping! I picked her up this morning and she nibbled at some food but nothing like her greedy self, she then went to jump up on the kitchen worktop and just hit the cupboards and fell down I picked her up and took her back upstairs and she struggled to jump back on my bed, legs were all over the place- she's now asleep again in the same place. I can't get her to the vet yet as I have no transport until later this morning so can anyone shed any light on what this could be? she's normally quite active