Cat Milk


Well-Known Member
24 July 2012
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I've got my lovely CPL boy home and just need to ask a question about proper cat milk. Never fed I before but apparently he loves it - true! However I don't want to make him sick so given that he is a very large cat and I have bought the Whiskers cat milk how much could I safely give him a day?


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2 May 2007
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I wouldn't give any 'cat milk' as it tends to contain sugars which cats cannot break down very well. Sugars in the diet can cause the pancreus to work overly hard. Cats don't need milk, they're really better off without it. Also, if he's a big lad, be aware that cat milk is rather calorific!


Well-Known Member
24 July 2012
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Thanks so much for that - sounds a bit doggy but the CPL foster home said he won't drink water on its own and so they put some cat milk in the water and also he does love it neat as a treat.


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16 January 2010
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My Chinchillas love milk too. I give it to them maybe twice a month. Just be mindful of the time limit once it's been opened up. Can't remember what it says but I think it's meant to be consumed within 4 days once opened, and kept in the fridge.

Just re yours not drinking water - just a thought - my sister's one cat prefers his water from a (human) glass tumbler, and mine prefers theirs from a large stainless steel bowl. Same size as the dogs' water bowl, but the cat's has their separate water out of reach of the pups. I do keep their water bowls scrupulously clean, cleaning it and filling it twice a day with fresh water, and the one cat will always, without fail, come over for a little drink once the fresh water is put down. Never see the second kitty drink.

Hope you enjoy your new cat and that he settles in quickly.


Slave to a house cat, 4 yard cats and 2 ponies
2 November 2013
On the edge of the Cotswolds
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I use a water fountain for my lot, it filters the water through a carbon thing and has a reservoir so no need to keep filling. I think they like the older water as all the chlorine smell disappears.

The whole thing bar the reservoir and motor gets chucked in the dishwasher once a week and the filters last about a month.

Fluffy cat gets stress related cystitis and the vet suggested the fountain as a way to encourage him to drink.


Well-Known Member
24 July 2012
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It is a worry that he won't drink water especially as ours is lovely spring water - so no horrid chlorine taste. I'm a bit stuck about what to do so will call the vet tomorrow. He is a gorgeous boy who has had a fairly rough home so everything has to be done quietly and gently.