Well-Known Member
I've got two little kittens, 3 months old, and they've had their first experience of the vets, i.e. for their first session of inoculations.
First pussycat is a real sweetie, comes up to be fussed, loves attention, absolutely adored all the attention she got at the vets.
Second pussycat hated it, froze with fear and was very scared. Now she won't let me near her, has been like this ever since the vet visit. This coming Wednesday she has to go back again! But I still can't get near her!
What TF can I do peeps??? Any ideas?
I've got two little kittens, 3 months old, and they've had their first experience of the vets, i.e. for their first session of inoculations.
First pussycat is a real sweetie, comes up to be fussed, loves attention, absolutely adored all the attention she got at the vets.
Second pussycat hated it, froze with fear and was very scared. Now she won't let me near her, has been like this ever since the vet visit. This coming Wednesday she has to go back again! But I still can't get near her!
What TF can I do peeps??? Any ideas?