New User
Hi everyone!
I've been reading the various posts in the H&H forums for quite a while now, but decided it was time for me to join all of you lovely people of the horsey world.
By way of background, I used to ride when I was young (approx. age 10-16) and help out down the stables/attend the pony camps etc. I absolutely loved it. For one reason or another (parents divorcing, lack of finances, preparing for Uni etc.) I stopped riding.
I am now 28 and a solicitor after having worked my a*se off career wise for the last 10 years. My job is stressful and can be extremely draining - not to mention I suffer badly with anxiety (generalised) - so, when I qualified, about six months ago, I decided that I would reward myself by doing something for me! I therefore picked up riding again and have been having private lessons (riding and stable management) ever since.
I can confidently W/T/C and pop a small course of jobs - but mainly I love hacking and just being with the horse.
I find that horses are the only thing that I am truly passionate about - when I am at the stables (riding or caring for horses) I completely switch off and it really is a form of therapy to me. It is the only thing that takes my mind off work/stress/anxiety etc.
I have decided to start saving up to buy my own horse (one day!). I know what you are thinking ….. make sure you share/loan a horse first! However, this seems to be easier said than done. I've scoured the internet looking for shares/loans and none of them seem to be appropriate and/or ask for very confident, experienced riders. It seems that there are no "safe/novice" horses for loan - has anyone else found this?
My question to you guys is.... at what stage is someone ready to buy a horse? How knowledgeable do you have to be? Can you jump in and learn "on the job"? What are your experiences of doing this? What are the main things you need to know/be able to do before buying?
I am newly married and do want children at some stage? Is it possible to manage a horse and children? How do you lovely lot manage to balance everything?
It is my lifelong dream to have my own horse and I am not in a rush (although, of course, the longer spent with said horse the better!).
Thanks all for your thoughts and comments!!
I've been reading the various posts in the H&H forums for quite a while now, but decided it was time for me to join all of you lovely people of the horsey world.
By way of background, I used to ride when I was young (approx. age 10-16) and help out down the stables/attend the pony camps etc. I absolutely loved it. For one reason or another (parents divorcing, lack of finances, preparing for Uni etc.) I stopped riding.
I am now 28 and a solicitor after having worked my a*se off career wise for the last 10 years. My job is stressful and can be extremely draining - not to mention I suffer badly with anxiety (generalised) - so, when I qualified, about six months ago, I decided that I would reward myself by doing something for me! I therefore picked up riding again and have been having private lessons (riding and stable management) ever since.
I can confidently W/T/C and pop a small course of jobs - but mainly I love hacking and just being with the horse.
I find that horses are the only thing that I am truly passionate about - when I am at the stables (riding or caring for horses) I completely switch off and it really is a form of therapy to me. It is the only thing that takes my mind off work/stress/anxiety etc.
I have decided to start saving up to buy my own horse (one day!). I know what you are thinking ….. make sure you share/loan a horse first! However, this seems to be easier said than done. I've scoured the internet looking for shares/loans and none of them seem to be appropriate and/or ask for very confident, experienced riders. It seems that there are no "safe/novice" horses for loan - has anyone else found this?
My question to you guys is.... at what stage is someone ready to buy a horse? How knowledgeable do you have to be? Can you jump in and learn "on the job"? What are your experiences of doing this? What are the main things you need to know/be able to do before buying?
I am newly married and do want children at some stage? Is it possible to manage a horse and children? How do you lovely lot manage to balance everything?
It is my lifelong dream to have my own horse and I am not in a rush (although, of course, the longer spent with said horse the better!).
Thanks all for your thoughts and comments!!