I've had a leveret visiting my garden on and off all summer. Yesterday evening I found him headless very close to one of my coops. There's no way I missed him first thing. I know daylight doesn't preclude a fox but it was a very bright day, I was around doing stuff outside all day and all birds present and accounted for. Raptor wise we have a regular sparrow hawk and a young merlin-we also have a peregrine in the area but there wasn't a mark on him, head nowhere nearby.
I have a large cat who I am sure goes out and regularly fights badgers and I've no doubt he could take something like a smaller hare but the head off has thrown me-would a cat do that?
I have a large cat who I am sure goes out and regularly fights badgers and I've no doubt he could take something like a smaller hare but the head off has thrown me-would a cat do that?