I LMFAO when I read this in the Evening Standard on the way home last night. They were saying that the contestants had referred to her as 'the Indian' amongst other things................
......then on the back page of the paper, in the sports section, there was an article about the current woes at Chelsea which started.....'The Portuguese....' when referring to Jose Mourinho
Surely calling someone Indian isnt racist, its just stating a fact!! Poor Shilpa though, she is having a bit of a hard time from Jade and Danielle, I think they must just be jealous as they are both clearly not exactly the brightest of girls and Shilpa is effortlessly classy and clever, I felt so sorry for her last night all she wanted to do was cook a meal for the housemates and all those two rotters and Jo could do was complain.
I don't watch it as I can't stand Jade Goody. I think it is down to jealousy partly. Shilpa is stunning looking, whereas lets face it..half the time Jade looks like a pig in lipstick (not that I want to insult pigs!) She's not the brightest (as Bellgave said) They have no appreciation of others cultures either
I haven't watched CBB in any depth at all, in fact I've only caught glimpses, so can't comment on the bullying.
However, I did watch the BB that Jade Goody was in, and she was vile and bullying back then, and I have seen her mother in action on TV, and have to say 'like mother like daughter'.
The pair of them are extremely obnoxious and ignorant, and were put in the house to cause rifts and arguments, which is exactly what they've done.
Apparently Jade has just been dropped by the anti-bullying charity she had previously supported.
In answer to the person above who asked what was wrong with referring to someone as "The Indian" I believe that it was Jade's mother who did this because she couldn't make the effort to actually learn her name (though I haven't actually watched any of BB and so am only commenting on what I have read in news reports).
Jades stupid mother also showed her true colours when asking Shilpa (which lets face it isnt a hard name to remember) if she lived in a shack in India!!
I had to laugh at lunchtime today - we have all the newspapers in the canteen, so as I was eating my lunch I was reading the mirror. The reporter was absolutely outraged at the treatment of Shilpa (and rightly so), but on the next page, there was a joke, taking the mickey out of the French. Double standards or what!
Totally pathetic IMO. They're on about her accent being ridiculed yet in yesterday's episode she was laughing at the way Jo and jade said Whale in a cockney accent..so what!! They're on about Jackie not pronouncing Shilpa's name correctly but Shilpa can't get Dirk's name right ...so what. One rule for one it seems to me!!
Totally pathetic IMO. They're on about her accent being ridiculed yet in yesterday's episode she was laughing at the way Jo and jade said Whale in a cockney accent..so what!! They're on about Jackie not pronouncing Shilpa's name correctly but Shilpa can't get Dirk's name right ...so what. One rule for one it seems to me!!
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Took the words right out of my mouth, that was exactly what i thought when i heard about the aledged racism.
Yes, you are totally right, personally I think that it's more racist how the media portray it!! Political correctness has gone totally mad to me!! if we are all equal, why can't we take the p**s as equals??!!
When Jodie Marsh was being bullied by Michael Barrymore last year (a man who makes Jade look like Kofi Annan), nobody said a word. The only reason this is making the news is because shilpa is Indian, and pretty. I think she is very sly, and very divisive. She also has no idea how plumbing works, apparently.
Due to all the media coverage I decided to watch CBB last night and, to say the least, I was utterly horrified at Jade Goody and her 'little pals', they are complete and utter bullies and are so ignorant it's unbelievable. What amazes me is that nobody in the 'house' has faced upto Jade and her loud mouthed antics, horrible individual!
I havent watched it, only the clips they've shown. But TBH I dont think its racism at all! I think its pure ignorance of different cultures. I mean Jade is probably the stupidest girl in the UK right? She wouldnt KNOW how to be racist! She probably doesnt even know what it means!!
Calling this woman an "Indian" isnt racist - its bloody true! Yes, they are bullying which is horrid in itself (and Jade has probably ruined her entire career now!), but not racism. Yet again everybody is freaking out over nothing. How dare our Government be discussing it! Its a reality TV show for christ sake.
Its just that she's Indian that everybody screams that any bullying is RACISM. Not to get into an arguement but a lot of the time other races are racist towards us - look at all those Asian channels and black radio stations etc. - imagine the riots if us whites set up a "white" channel!!
well to me its pathetic jade is mouthy anyways its just her way at the end of the day its how you was brought up -
if i was in there i would stand up to her -- shes so big and boulshy
the other two girls i think are abit a fraid of jade shes gives off iam a big what knot so knuckle under or else type of person
shame really -- becuase the other two arnt that bad
i hope she does ruin her carreer she should never have won the 1st time round shes so muliplative she rules the rouse or so she thinks -- now all can see her for what she truely is --
DEF' not rasism, more like classism. It is bullying though.
I often have people say "OOOH arent you posh" when I am introduced to them, which is fine by me as yes I am wellh spoken, but interestingly I would never say to some one " Oh arent you common"!!!!!!
I dnt think its racism either, It seems to me just like a great big deal over nothing. theres always arguments in BB and now just coz there arguing with an indian(dunno how to say it without offending) its being called racist! its pathetic.