chicken keepers help!!


Well-Known Member
7 July 2008
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I have kept chickens on and off for the last 8 years or so. They live free range in my paddock which is behind my house and have a house they are shut in at night. I have routinely clipped wings and never had a problem so far.

Until now :mad:

2 of my girls, a maran and a light sussex have a wing clipped but are causing me big problems!! They see me as a mobile take away bar, as soon as I appear they are very vocal and follow me, almost tripping me up. They arent hungry, often they peck a few times then leave the pellets I put down for them. Anyway, every morning when I am letting my dogs out in my front garden, they come to the gate and are flying over to get to me! Almost, straight into waiting jaws! And yet it doesnt put them off! Are there some breeds thta wing clipping doesnt work for? :confused:


Well-Known Member
21 May 2011
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No it will work on any breed. It will not stop them from flying though. It will just make them less capeable. How often are you clipping them? Are you doing both wings or just one? The heavier breeds like Sussex should be easier to contain... but they are cheekier and a lot greedier.


Well-Known Member
15 September 2009
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Would the dogs harm them? Mine is very gentle to the chickens, who she protects from the evil cat (who is not to be trusted around them at all). Maybe best just let the dogs and chickens meet each other in carefully monitored surroundings until they are all happy together? You chickens sounds very nice and friendly. Mine will gather around me for food, but are not keen on getting touched or picked up.

Some of mine are flightier than others - generally the smaller (and less fat!) ones. My Orpington has no chance of ever leaving the ground, but my Hamburg bantam flew an impressive disance at the weekend, despite clipped wings!


Well-Known Member
22 June 2009
On the boarders
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Do you feed them much by way of kitchen scraps? That may be the problem, if they are seeing you bringing them food (that's tastier than layers pellets!) then they will follow you a plenty, ours only need to sight of the chicken pot and they are all under your feet. Luckily JRT is about the size of a big hen so no dog issues there!