Christmas Jumping Coming Up


Well-Known Member
9 November 2006
East Anglia
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Ok so there's a possibility I could go to a clear-round jumping comp for Christmas (Dec 3rd) at my old boss's place. Got a few of problems...that can soon be overcome I suppose.

1. Transport...I have no way of getting there and it's just that bit too far to hack and then jump when I get there. Have yet to ask around friends so may be able to get over this one!

2. Charlie is SO hairy! We've been putting off clipping him because I only hack once a day for not too long and he doesn't really get very hot. He's also a bit of trouble with rugs sometimes so we have to be seems a waste of time to have the hassle of clipping him and then having to rug when he's coping fine....although we know he'll have to have some kind of clip if we go jumping!

3. I haven't really jumped him properly yet (only had him 3 weeks and just done a few branches on straw bales type jumps!) and I don't know how he reacts in new places with new horses etc...although I know he used to go showing etc so I know he'd be fine...but it's just another thing on my mind.

Despite all this I really want to go...suppose I just needed some back up to help my confidence?!


Well-Known Member
19 February 2006
Middle England
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I would practice a bit more jumping at home first so that you feel confident that you know what he can do.

He'll probably love it but if you aren't sure then he will pick up on that.


Well-Known Member
9 November 2006
East Anglia
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Well...providing J's lorry hasn't been sold then it looks like I'll be going! Just to give one round a go and see how we get on!

Am having Charlie bib clipped soon coz he's getting so hot on his chest it's horrible!

I'm gonna go and give it a shot...if he really hates it and I can't jump with him I know they have some nice hacking (and a nice long airstrip to gallop on) we'll just make the most of the day! It's for charity so we shall see!