Chronic grass sickness


riding reluctantly into the sunset
21 February 2013
the sat-nav is wrong, go farther up the hill
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I am not sure of the up to date treatment but after my pony ( see avatar) had EGS in the late ‘90’s at 8 years old she went on to have a full life being PTS at 27.
In the years after she was susceptible in hot weather and broke out in sweat in strange places. I always fed her wet meals. She did not drink when she was ill.
As the years progressed she was easier to care for.


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5 May 2010
New Forest
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A few weeks after my Arab had started eating and drinking normally he had his teeth rasped by the yard's dentist. I pleaded with the dentist to release the gag regularly to avoid stressing him which he refused to do. Whether it was soreness after having the gag for twenty minutes or the stress, my horse had a small relapse and stopped eating again for a few days having to be put back on a liquid diet ( he was able to drink throughout). This had never happened after previous tooth rasping. I believe stress may bring back some symptoms in the early days of the recovery. He lived for many years afterwards but developed arthritis is several joints and was only hacked for a few years then retired early. None of this proves the grass sickness caused his problems but I did wonder.
28 February 2011
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The mare at the yard had problems after but she is absolutely fine now. She had a couple of colic episodes and couldn't regulate her own temperature. She was turned out during the day in winter naked as even a light sheet would make her sweat. When in she had a light cotton sheet on on the very coldest of nights but that's all she could cope with. We are 2? 3? Years on and she hasn't had any problems from month 11 onwards and is now show jumping as though nothing had ever happened!

She was one of the most useless racehorses I have ever worked with but definitely one of the most rewarding when you have spent more time nursing her and pulling her through to then go on and find her an amazing home surprisingly easily! The woman had pulled a horse through GS previously so it didn't phase her!