Cleaning white legs!


14 January 2014
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What the best way to clean my mares white legs? She hates me picking up her feet on quite frankly, being anywhere near any of her legs... The last show we went to hey we're still tinged green so hoping to get them nice and clean next time!
I know the obvious, keep touching them daily etc. only had her for a couple months, so we're getting there.
thank you in advance!


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16 December 2013
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I use chalk powder- paint it on the night before (after washing, mix powder woth water in a pot and I use a paintbrush lol)

Paint it on, and bandage if poss- repeat next morning and bandage for travel. Take them off and give them a good brush just before your class :)

Not sure how you wouldpgo about it if she doesn't like you near her feet tho tbh :S



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16 May 2013
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i use white chalk just before i enter the dressage ring i dont mix it with water, i just slap loads on the white areas the gently brush off the excess. It always works a treat for me. If you can get to her feet in the future, while hosing use some blue shampoo on them, leave it on for a few mins then rinse off. You can get it from most supermarkets. Its in the shampoo section, its used on hi-lighted or coloured blonde hair to take out the brassy yellow tones.


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10 April 2014
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I use chalk powder- paint it on the night before (after washing, mix powder woth water in a pot and I use a paintbrush lol)

Paint it on, and bandage if poss- repeat next morning and bandage for travel. Take them off and give them a good brush just before your class :)

Not sure how you wouldpgo about it if she doesn't like you near her feet tho tbh :S

i do the same and my mare has the same problem, clipping her legs = sedating .
never try to use the hose with a horses legs if they are sensitive about them,instead use a sponge with warm water if available. sometimes they wont let you put chalk powder on so if you have some lavender horse wash with this then bandage or put boots on until you arrive at the show. hope this helped


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22 July 2013
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My favourite product for white legs is soft soap. You can buy it from agricultural shops or heavy horse suppliers. Stand your horse somewhere where she feels safe, with someone near her head. Dilute the soft soap in some warm water and use a sponge to wet the legs and then massage in well with your hands. It's very relaxing, my mare wouldn't let me near her legs when she had bad mud fever, but she enjoyed this.
Leave on for 5 minutes and then hose or rinse well. The legs should be sparkling white and very soft. Chalk powder after either in a paste or before you enter the ring.


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5 April 2010
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What the best way to clean my mares white legs? She hates me picking up her feet on quite frankly, being anywhere near any of her legs... The last show we went to hey we're still tinged green so hoping to get them nice and clean next time!
I know the obvious, keep touching them daily etc. only had her for a couple months, so we're getting there.
thank you in advance!

I used to always use the little blue

bags, which were amazing, :(. Absorbine wash left on 10 mins would do a good job.

Diamond Bright shampoo diluted down in warm water (just cause it's nicer for the pony) and leave on for about 10 minutes.


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5 September 2013
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i just use Johnsons baby shampoo. give his legs a good scrub , rinse with warm water with a bit of baby oil in and they come up sparkling! he is a Chesnut TB with 4 white stockings. won many turnouts with him by doing this. :) if she is funny with her legs being touched then i would suggest having someone quietly holding her instead of tying her up.