No me, only when i think my horse needs it but my friends horse does.
He gets terrible sores from sweating, even just standing in the field and she also has to clip half of his tail off as he get sores around his bum where his tail is so thick.
His summer coat is thicker than my horses winter coat!!!
Only because although winston has not a really thick coat in the summer he does get very hot and sweat when being worked and eventing!
Being on a SJnig yard they thought I was nuts not clipping my horses - they clip every 2 wks!
So I started clipping this year and have found a noticably better difference in my horses performance! albeit we have struggled to keep the ruddy thing sound this year.
I also fully clip - legs and all in the winter, as it makes life easier to treat wounds etc should we get any scrapes out hunting or hacking - as a combo of dark nights and hairy legs isnt great and you can miss something and before you know it the leg is swollen!
Now bought some therma bandages to keep his legs warm on cold winter nights!
I do a full clip in autumn, and may do another later in the winter but have to leave legs on as I have a M&M show pony. would love to clip all year round for her comfort and as she gets older and her showing career finishes I probably will
I used to with my eventer in avatar, he had a very dense coat and for 3-day's it helped with his recovery rates. I think if William reaches the same level he will probably need it too for the same reasons. My mare, who is mostly anglo-arab, barely has a coat anyway so I didn't with her.