clipping nightmare!



Have just clipped loan horse!!! ARGHHH.
Was told by owner that he can be a little difficult so we took it slowly.
turn clippper on away from horse so that he can get used to noise - fine...
gently bring to shoulder ... fine
clip shoulder, side ... fine
up neck - horse goes mad , rears kicks, bucks!!!
ended up twitching him and it took 3 people ot get the twitch on!!

And this horse is supposed to have been fully clipped every year to hunt.

Well he has an interesting clip as he shook so much we couldn't be sure the legs were equal, he has one ear clipped (slightly) and the other not, and the lines down his face are interesting...

Next time we will twitch from the start and do him in bits.

Just wish people were open about their horses - particularly when I am trying to do my best for him.


Good idea forgooten about that. Just a bit annoyed with the owner - wish had known before we started all got a little hair raising.