My black and white ridden cob has mild sweetitch and leg mites so i clip his legs and he also has a hogged mane Does anybody clip all through the year??
My friends horse has just been clipped out again, hes competing all year round. another is clipped because hes so obese he just sweats(his owner says he has a 'thick coat' ) and a pony with cushings is kept clipped out!
I plan to clip my 2 old natives next week (they were unclipped all winter) just because they dont loose their coats so well anymore and one especially takes ages to lose it, getting so hot. So I figure Ill just give them both tummy & under neck clips.
The horse that I share (cob) is clipped all year round but doesnt really do a lot of competing! He's also rugged all year round 'to keep him clean and so his hair grows back slower'!!
poor boy-feel v. sorry for him when its 20 degrees even and the others are out 'naked'!!
Think its just peoples different opinions tho!!
Im just abou tto clip my boy again as he has grown such a coat in the last month!! More than he did between Nov - end of Feb!!
He gets VERY warm very easily.