Close shave last night... Ivy back to being SOS


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2 August 2004
She's behind you... heh heh heh!!!
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Yup, the cream spotty one has been up to her old tricks. Went to see them last night. Gave them all an apple - on the floor not from the hand.

We were faffing about with Asti when the spotty one decided to start being a git. She got sent away but barged past, lashed out, and missed mine and sisters head by a scant inch or two.

Cue sister fetching lunging whip and spending 20 mins keeping her from the "group" to teach her a lesson. Asti bless, stuck like glue to my shoulder and wouldn't let Ivy back anywhere near me.

I guess Ivy will be getting some more work tonight, I can see the long reins coming back out.

Saying that, there is a lad near here, at our old yard, who is getting a really good reputation for sorting out difficult horses, he's got a fabulous bond with his own horse and does a lot of basic parelli games but isn't a total bunny hugger. Might be persuading him to come and try to sort madam out before we shoot her!

I'm trying to keep in mind that these things are sent to try us...!


Well-Known Member
2 August 2004
She's behind you... heh heh heh!!!
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Look at this though...


How can something so sweet and pretty be soooooo evil?

All I'll say is I'm glad its not me backing her!

Talking to a friend last night, whose daughter usd to ride the stallion we're wanting for Asti. She agreed he is a total all rounder, but most importantly of all, has a fabulous nature and can't be faulted for manners. After breeding spawn of satan from a stroppy, opinionated and obnoxious Welsh D, I can't tell you how relieved I am to hear how nice this one is!

Getting all broody now, can't wait to go and start arranging things!


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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Aww she looks like butter wouldn't melt, you sure your not telling us porkies
I agree though she is VERY pretty so if she gets too much you can pass her this way

I didn't realise you were thinking of putting Asti in foal as well
How exciting
When are you planning on doing that?


Well-Known Member
2 August 2004
She's behind you... heh heh heh!!!
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Spring! She's 15 next year and I do want to try for a third generation as I bred her too, she was our first foray into breeding. Everyone says no later than 15 really for a maiden mare so its next year or probably never.

I fancy endurance riding, will be doing some with Asti. Have drooled over some fabulous stallions, like Treliver Decanter - gorgeous pally stallion, but he's too far away and is too big really. At 15hh Asti is the perfect height for me so I wanted a similar sized stallion that should throw me a good foal for endurance and probably a bit of dressage.

The one we *should* be using is a 15hh bay Arab, called Rabanat, who is kept a few miles up the road. He's stunning, has a white blaze so I'm thinking foalie will inherit that, and it will be an anglo arab as near as dammit, as Asti is 3/4 TB.

They should have such a cute foalie! So all being well she'll go in spring and we *fingers crossed* will have a foalie for Summer 2008.


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10 August 2005
London - Essex side
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Nice to hear I am not the only one with a 2 year old that needs light work.

I am away for a couple of weeks and have my instructor coming into long rein/loose school and general manners and handling etc the little Stinker once a week so he is not a bolshy git on my return.

My problem is that people say he is such a well behaved youngster - and to leave him. There is a reason for his wonderful behaviour - three 20 min sessions a week of using his brain to stop him getting bored.

I made the mistake once of giving him three weeks in the field and he turned into an bolshy little git, with flying front legs. Now he is a little angel 95% of the time.


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20 April 2005
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My sister(coppertop) is good at showing you the pictures that make the evil one look so sweet - I don't know how to add photos otherwise i'd be adding the photo that came bout 30 seconds after the one above!!!!! She really has a jekyll and hyde personality - some days she's the lovliest 2 year old, and i wouldn't swap her for the world - other times she really is the spawn of satan and she could go to anyone that was silly enough to have her - seems tho the silly one is me for not researching more when looking for a stallion! I also think my little evil one seems so evil cos Asti was soooooooooo good as a baby!!!!


Well-Known Member
11 December 2004
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Woooooooo! I used Rabanat on my Arab mare years ago. He is stunning, the absolute spit of my mare. Unfortunately she didn't like him at all and never took, I was so looking forward to my lovely bay with lots of white. Good Luck.
I know he was in Yorkshire-ish but I can't remember where.


Well-Known Member
2 August 2004
She's behind you... heh heh heh!!!
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He's literally up the road - I can hack there if I want to! Have to go and see the lady who owns him as they sometimes let a couple of mares run with him as long as they are good. Otherwise it'll have to be supervised covering. I'd prefer the running option really but we'll have to see, she CAN be a bit of a bag with new horses...