Clueless Sabs!


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28 June 2010
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Always gets me that they are so proud of what they do they have to hide their identities... and travel so far so they are not dropping muck on their own doorsteps...

Never heard of huntmen "controling" hounds with lumps of wood with a rope attached either... Sounds like something used to batter another living being or make crop circles to me.


Well-Known Member
2 March 2011
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Oh dear, you've gone and poked the hornet's nest again! We'll now have various contributors to this Forum saying;

'They're never violent', 'They only act when they see illegal hunting', 'they cover their faces to avoid being targetted by the hunt followers', etc, etc.

Fact is if I were travelling from Sheffield to the Cotswolds I'd be pretty certain that the people I saw there wouldn't be coming up to Sheffield to target me any-time-soon!

Hunting people are not always 'whiter-than-white' in their reaction to Sabs, history and court cases have proven this, it seems anti-hunt people are never able to admit the same about their followers despite the same evidence...........sorry, I forgot, any convictions are a fit-up because the Police are in cahoots with the hunting community.........even though some forces will accept 'evidence' of illegal activity from monitors.:mad:

Alec Swan

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20 October 2009
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Sabs hide their identity for one very good reason. They are prepared to and all so often do, break the law. Without clear ID, they seem able to avoid detection and carry on with their activities.

Does it strike anyone else as being strange, that those who ride to hounds are the only side of the argument, who act with out the need to hide their identity, whilst supposedly being the ones who are operating outside the law?



Well-Known Member
2 March 2011
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But to be fair Alec those who ride to the hounds may not hide their identity but there have been cases of foot followers doing so and there are examples of both being prepared to and indeed breaking the law, evidence being that some have been prosecuted and found guilty (whilst there are doubtless innocent people found guilty at times the law doesn't always get it wrong!).

Sabs and monitors tend to hide their ID on a regular basis, the hunts people do not, but neither side is 'whiter-than-white'. Both will claim excessive provocation. The moral-high-ground will be claimed by both, it will, in reality, only be held by those who face the provocation without retaliation, easy to say, hard to do, but let's hope that next year it is we who hunt that do so and avoid the bad press/anti-propoganda that any hunt related incident brings!


Well-Known Member
3 April 2011
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A local girl was nearly killed by a sab intentionally spooking her horse. something which could have fatally injured both her and the horse.

the hunts ive been to where sabs are, its ALWAYS the sabs who have been provoking bad behaviour. the shout things, become obstructive, are quite intimidating if you are on your own.

my nan was at a hunt where a 72 year old woman taking a video of her granddaughter had her camera knocked out of her hands by a sab. he said she was breaching his human rights by filming him, the camera was pointing the opposite direction!

When following the hunt a sab once kicked out at my friends truck, my friend knew better than to get out and cause a fuss because after all, that was the reaction the sab wanted. he's had his hounds kicked and horses slapped before by them, and alot of criminal damage done to vehicles. but justice never prevails because they are slippery as oil.


Well-Known Member
2 March 2011
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Yes TPP and unfortunately we sometimes react which is then filmed or photographed as 'evidence' of how bad and violent hunting people are. That can only affect the views of those who are not involved in hunting and turn them to the anti's side.

We have to try not to react to the provocation we face, the anti's being on the ground with their cameras are far better placed to turn it against us!


Well-Known Member
19 March 2009
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When following the hunt a sab once kicked out at my friends truck, my friend knew better than to get out and cause a fuss because after all, that was the reaction the sab wanted. he's had his hounds kicked and horses slapped before by them, and alot of criminal damage done to vehicles. but justice never prevails because they are slippery as oil.

We had an incident a few years back where a TV film crew was out with us and they showed a 50 year old female hunt follower shaking her fist and shouting at a van full of sabs as an example of how hunt followers start the trouble.

What they did not show - but had filmed (I was standing with them at the time) - was the antis’ van driving straight into the back of the follower's parked car. Admittedly, I don't for a moment think they rammed her on purpose (it did as much damage to their vehicle as hers), but in the context, her reaction was entirely understandable.

Another incident I remember was when walking my horse though a woodland ride, I passed a troop of antis going the other way and one of them decided to spit at me. The girl following him thought that this was a very clever idea and ran forward to get into good gobbing range. Unfortunately for her, she tripped on a rut and fell head-first into a puddle.

Now, admittedly, my laughing like a drain did not help the situation, but they all, having seen exactly what did happen, started shouting "you rode her down". Lord only knows why, there were no witnesses, no cameras, no police, no point. As I sat there, saying "Er, no, if you look, I'm over here and she's over there", they still carried on bleating about it.. It seems to be some sort of obsessive evidence-fixing behaviour, even when there is no evidence to fix.