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Has anyone else had any experiance with both of these (sacriallic and coffin joint lameness) at the same time? My 13year old tb went lame over a year ago with a spur on the coffin joint. We had him xrayed and injected and then raised shoes put on went sound for 3 mths then badly lame again. turned away over the winter (had 6mths off roughly) seemed sound in front lunged a couple of times to discover he was now wrong behind. Lameness work up and diagnoses sacriallic Issues (only marginally showed up lame in front aswell) COVID then put a stop to anything further happening now not only is he wrong behind his now obviously lame in front at a trot presumably the hard ground has had an effect. Would love to hear positive out comes. I’m going to be starting the process of having him injected soon in both areas and hopefully get him sound enough to do some schooling? Not even sure if this will solve his problems fully? If anyone’s had anything similar would love to hear your story Thankyou.