colic help


Well-Known Member
29 December 2004
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my mare keeps getting colic at first only lasted an hour or less now its several ours and comes in spasms . beginning to wonder if it has anything to do with ovulation ect anyone elses mare like this and is there anything can be done . also any info on coligone would be appreciated i am getting quite worried now , having a word with vet again today thanks


Well-Known Member
11 January 2006
Somewhere in the hills in the sunny south
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i assume you have had the vet out? it can be a number of reasons, acorns, crab apples, the grass has been v short recently and with the rain suddenly grown. have you started feeding new hay,if you have than that could be too rich and too early. Wormed recently that can be another one. how old is the horse, vets can do scans and the equine hospitals now to see what is going on, depending on which part of the country you live in.


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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Han used to get colic quite regularly, especially through the summer months. She is now on TopSpec Feedbalancer that has a yeast in it which seems to be working on Hannah at the moment. Only had colic once since being put on it, so that's been a relief!

The thing I would say is try to keep everything as constant as possible. Same hours of turnout, same field and the same food. The other thing i was recommended to do was put Hannah of Alfa A...


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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No... she had to be put on pure Alfa A!

It's something about the make up of Alfa A which can help horses with colic. I had an analysis done of Hannah's poo (lovely) and that was one of the things which came out of it.


Well-Known Member
29 December 2004
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thanks for replies there has been a cycle to the attacks and the vet and i are now thinking it could be when she is in season ,difficult to tell as she isnt much different when she is appart from maybe colicy now it seems , odd you should mention top spec she was on it for a long time and its the only thing that has changed in her diet as i stopped it but i am putting her back on it today i am sure it had something to do with her not getting it , vet has sugested buscopan for the attacks and if that dosent help regimate the pig one as cheaper to stop her coming in both to see if she still gets colic and to stop us missing any important shows so fingers crossed we get some results she was colict again yesterday . thanks you lot