Does any one know if horses can be tested like humans Think it is a berry meal it's fluid that passes through the gut so you can scan to see if there are any problems passing through
Never heard of one but I may be behind the times! I think it would be difficult to carry out as the horse being a herbivore has a very slow digestion and an awful lot of gut.His gut is partially surrounded by his ribs and other organs so I think it would be hard to scan. Mairi.
Yes that's what I mean sorry about spelling I just thought this could be done and a scan might show any problems ie adhesions or any thing else causing problem
I had a horse that kept getting colic and displaying a range of other symptoms after nearly a year of this happining on and off the vet advised he thought it could be intestines getting trapped so the only way for sure was to operate but sucsess rate was only low after having another horse with similar situation and how bad she was after op i decided an op was no go I asked about scans etc the vet said no it would not be any good. Mind you that was about 4 yrs ago and there always improving things but have not heard of anything new since.