Collateral Ligament & Laminitis


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19 July 2021
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Hi just found this forum whilst researching my horses diagnosis. He was lame on outside of a circle in trot, no heat or pulses, had x-ray which showed nothing so went for MRI where we discovered he has some very slight lesions on one of his collateral ligaments, bone bruising, mild but chronic lami - I got him last year, he had gained weight during lockdown but vet felt it was probably a historical issue as well (both fronts showed evidence of it but only rotated slightly on one - vet thought this was not causing his lameness as he did not respond to hoof testers and and they said normally when nerve blocking it would show up as bilateral lamness with lami, which his didn't. So far with have had x-rays and re trimmed to help with rotation, shod with heart bars, he has also been on a diet, hi fibre second cut haylage (it is not possible to soak hay but looking at switching to Timothy haylage), I have added equimins hoof mender to his feed,he is also out muzzled in a small paddock size of two stables for 5 hours a day. Cushing's test negative, having another one this week, not sure of the name but I have the glucose syrup to give first if that helps! He is doing ok, I can now feel his ribs and his crest is finally starting to go but he is sore on sharp stones, on a danilon a day now to help with inflammation, vets coming this week to take bloods and will also be reshod. Interested to know other people's experiences with similar, how long was recovery time, what did you do? Why the sore feet, is it bruising, flat feet, or still lami, how can I tell? Thanks for reading :)


Well-Known Member
27 September 2010
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My horse was diagnosed with collateral ligament damage. He was lame on the outside of the circle (but not badly, you could barely see it). MRI confirmed. Vet advised box rest for 3 months (yes, THREE months - I was horrified). However, we did as instructed and amazingly he coped with 3 months confinement really well. He recovered from that lameness but had an issue with arthritis in his right fore coffin joint. This all happened years ago and he is still lightly hacked 4 times a week to keep his joints moving. Its good that you're getting his weight down - this will make a huge difference. Mine has Cushings and had EMS. The EMS is sorted as he went on an immediate diet as he was a fatty with a crest. Cushings now controlled with Prascend which, in my opinion, wards of laminitis. Your vet should be able to get to the bottom of his soreness - possibly still the lami. Good luck.

Lovely jubbly

Well-Known Member
29 October 2020
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Mine went lame both fronts near fore is collateral damage off fore is slight arthritis in pedal joint. Remidial shoes and course of cartrophen injections, just finished 3 months box rest can now be turned out in small paddock for another 3 months then another review. Been told will take anywhere between 9-12 months for collateral to heal, but fingers crossed she’s doing really well vets are very pleased with her progress. Remidial shoes have made a huge difference for her recovery.