Comfort bridle.....probably jinxing myself but...


Well-Known Member
1 March 2006
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we had a lovely lovely session this evening - cob size heritage comfort arrived yesterday (and even that is a bit big for his pony head....he's bloomin' 16hh!) - noseband looks mahousive on him (only sold with a crank!?) but up we got and gave it a go...the weekend was a bit of a battle, on Sat we got some nice trot & on Sunday we got some nice canter but I didn't fight over the bad bits as he was getting stressy & grinding, tried to focus on the good stuff.

tonight decided to have a bit of fun and do a little bit of right lead on his bad rein second time of trying which was great, but then instructor asked for one more on the bad rein and ten minutes later she was disappearing off to get her soon as she arrived back ready to get up - off he went on the right lead (clever little sod that he is!) anyway while we were trying to get the canter we got some great trot, he was much lighter in my hands and really didn't feel I was 'holding him together' - there was no 'up not forward' which was brilliant...then we jumped & he was lovely lovely lovely...we're only playing over small fences but it's two weeks since I have jumped him & he was straight & balanced and relaxed and no sneaking in an extra stride or taking off miles out....anyway sorry for the self indulgent post but something is working and tonight I really had fun on him, and I reckon he enjoyed it too! Which when it comes down to it - is really what it's all about!


Well-Known Member
30 September 2005
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The moments when it all comes together like that are so great aren't they?! Makes it all worth it. Well done you!


Well-Known Member
27 September 2001
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My horses go better in there comfort bridles you only have to look at the headpiece to see why they are so flat under the poll as apposed to having say a strip under its almost like wearing a pair of shoe's with a funny sock under it then put a nice pair under and no crinkles you walk better !!!!!!!!!! so to speak !! good luck.