Concussion - your experience please


Well-Known Member
29 October 2008
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Sorry this is a long post but wanted to explain it right.

I fell off my horse in the 3ft class at Weston Lawns on Saturday after coming 7th in the 2ft 9 previous class, with my horse jumping so well at the moment. We'd jumped the same course and was just flying to the last fence of the jump off part (single phase) and I can remember being on a perfect stride and the horse taking off. I remember feeling total surprise about then falling through the air, and thinking (as you do in the milliseconds it takes to fall), that I wouldn't be hurt and it wasn't a bad fall. I can remember putting my hands up to my head in case I got caught in Bailey's feet and remember seeing him swerve out of the way.

I was told that I had been unconscious for about a minute or so. I don't remember getting up or being led to the canteen after I came round, all I can remember is being aware of chatting to the paramedic who must have been called to me, so I am guessing I was out of it good and proper for about 15 mins or so until he arrived.

After the previous class someone I was chatting to whilst watching the chase me charlie in between the classes said my horse was basculing really big over the fences, and apparently this is how I'd come off in the next class because Bailey had jumped so big and I'd got caught out!

I got taken from the canteen on a spinal board in an ambulance and xrays and CT scan showed no damage, but I feel really spacey and 'out of it' which is only to be expected. I landed on my coccyx and my head followed down so got a bit of whiplash. Luckily no broken bones and unbelievably the slipped disc that I have is no worse!! I had to go back to A&E the following evening because I had three 'funny' turns and went very pale and my legs were tingly but neuro tests came out fine.

I know I am very lucky but my question is; I am meant to be doing arena eventing and dressage on the 10th November back at Weston Lawns, but I am going to change the jumping to another dressage test instead if I am allowed, but do you think I will be well enough to do it then?? I still feel woozy and it is now Tuesday afternoon. I've had two days off work and I am going back to work tomorrow. How long were you guys off for when you had concussion??

I've been to the chiropractor today and they said I've got whiplash but I should be ok to ride once the woozy feeling has gone.

By the way I would like to say a huge thank you to all the staff at Weston Lawns for looking after me, the lady who me and Dad spoke to the week before (sorry I don't know your name) and the doctors at the George Elliot and Heartlands Hospital for my stupid self inflicted injury!! :eek: All I can say is that I am so glad I don't remember the actual fall so I am hoping I've not lost my confidence.
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Finns Mum

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3 March 2008
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I think it a case of it takes as long as it takes with that kind of thing, I felt really ill with whiplash alone for a good couple of weeks so with a bang to the head as well I'd just take it easy and don't rush anything. Hope you feel better soon :)


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26 September 2007
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I got concussion quite a few years ago being knocked onto concrete on my head when aking a horse's boots off. Got taken to hospital and checked over and was fine although felt pretty strange - but definitely didnt feel properly right for several weeks. I did drive later that week and went back to work, but looking back dont think I should have - and didnt feel totally right for about 3 weeks. I continued to ride a couple of days after - but gentle hacking/schooling, nothing too demanding. I'd be careful and take your time - would be a shame to have a bad experience when not totally recovered. It really makes you appreciate how long it takes for recovery from a serious head injury. But on the positive side, after the first few weeks, I was absolutely fine - it was almost as if the shaking up of the head had to settle back down, and once it did, there were no lasting affects. Hope you feel better soon!


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24 August 2012
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I think concussion can only be interpreted on an individual basis. For example I fell off onto a hard surface some years ago and the signs I had was complete loss of memory for at least five minutes after the fall and then for up to two weeks i was very aware that I lost time (a five minute job took me half an hour for example)

I think you really should listen to what your body is telling you, be gentle on yourself and don't pressure yourself to get better sooner, only you will know when the time is right to start jumping again.


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30 June 2012
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I came off Bree about 7 weeks ago. I lost consciousness, but for nowhere long as you I don't think. The worrying thing was that I knew I'd fallen off a horse but couldn't work out why I was riding because I hadn't owned a horse in years and although I found works number on my phone but wasn't entirely sure where I worked.

I was definately wrong for a couple of days, and not quite right for a week, but it started getting better after that. But the real issue is how long you shoul leave it before risking falling on your head again. I wasn't really back in the saddle for 4 weeks due to injuries. I guess it's an ask the doctor think.



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23 December 2005
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I don't think you should rush it. Withdraw from the competition as there is always another day and give yourself time to recover.


Brains are terribly fragile things, and without one, or with a damaged one, we aren't very good.

A brain that has had a rattling can continue to deteriorate for several days/weeks afterwards which if you aren't careful can cause as much, or even more damage than the first rattle.


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7 January 2006
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I think concussion is different for everyone. I fell off when I was jumping on my own (stupid I know, I was only about 13!). I can't remember anything about the fall, all I remember was going back to the house and apparently I was very dazed, when my sister asked what was wrong I just said "I think I fell off" and started crying. Sister dashed up the back to check on my pony as I couldn't remember what I had done with him (he was untacked and washed down in the stable, none of which I remember doing!!!), then took me to hospital as my parents were away for the weekend. I didn't know where my parents where or anything, all I could remember was that I was meant to be doing the hurdles at sports day the next day!
I was in hospital for a couple of hours, was sick and then dismissed. Memory of the fall etc has never come back but I was fine by the next day, just had a headache.
Concussion is very scary but once you stop feeling woozy you should be fine to carry on, just take it steadily. 2 weeks is quite a long time, you should be ok for the dressage- but just see how you feel, and if you're not 100% don't risk it :)
Hope you feel better soon!


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2 March 2008
upside down
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The times I have been concussed I have taken about 3 weeks to feel right. Plus I am apparently a total biatch for 10 days or so!!! Take you time pull out of the comp, there are plenty others.


Well-Known Member
29 October 2008
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Hi thanks for your replies, much appreciated. I rang up the show centre today and spoke to the lovely secretary Kathy and she said I had come off in between the double as my horse had jumped me out of the saddle which is what another lady Jude had said. She said it was a real shame as I was heading for another double clear :(

She has kindly let me swap my arena eventing round for a dressage test for the competition on the 10th and I have until next Tuesday to confirm whether I am well enough to do it or not so plenty of time. Just a bit worried about learning two tests but don't want to go all that way just to do one test. Besides I am really excited to be able to do it anyway.

Told my Dad last night I wasn't going to give up jumping but that I would give him a few months off worrying and just do dressage for now! Managed to get someone on our yard to jump the beastie for me for the time being to keep him ticking over and because Bailey loves it so much! Will get them to sign a disclaimer first ......just in case, lol.

It was nice to speak to her and thank her for all her help. I am at work today and my head feels proper woolly. i had to sit on the floor of the train this morning on the way to work as I couldn't stand like a sardine in a tin as the carriage was packed and the motion made me feel funny so just as well I am not riding yet. I bought some cake as we have a cake rule at the yard, if you fall off either at the yard or away from home you have to buy cake, so everyone got mini roll and choccy gateau! :) :)
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18 April 2010
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I fell off my horse jumping over a XC fence whilst training when he was green (few years ago now) and all I can remember was thinking he had refused then uhoh as he jumped from a standstill. My OH who was riding with me at the time, said that I was knocked unconscious for a couple of minutes. I can't remember the jump or falling off despite where I was lying was a good few metres from the fence. Things were a bit fuzzy at first - like waking up from a dream trying to figure out what had happened etc... and where I was - but after a few minutes I was according to myself was ok. I went to work the following day but in retrospect I should not have!

I got visual disturbances for several days (I hit the right side of my head) when I moved too quickly. I tried to ride a week after, and just found I couldn't as the world went wozzy. I was then told off seriously for trying to ride by a knowledgeable horsey person that I should not be considering riding for a month since I had been knocked out so I heeded what she said.

Concussion varies and tbh, just give yourself time and don't forget to treat yourself to a nice new hat and send your old one to be analysed!


Well-Known Member
9 July 2010
if I could see my younger self I'd throttle me - jumping back on horses with concussion and then taking myself up to the dorms 'to sleep it off'

withdraw, save yourself for another day. easy to forget just how fragile we actually are.

p.s -i like your yard rule!
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Well-Known Member
25 February 2012
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Just see how you feel. I've had it quite a few times, & every time was different. The worst one I wasn't even knocked unconscious, I felt fine till that night when I was very dizzy & kept fainting. Iirc it was a week before I could walk about without passing out. Another time I was out cold for a while, got hit by a car but I don't even remember anything about going to hospital. But despite having my head sewn back up, & being unconscious a while, I felt fine by that night. Ime there doesn't seem to be any rules.


Well-Known Member
25 June 2007
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Have had concussion a no. Of times from horses & sport. Your brain is rattled against your skull! I agree about varying degrees of after effects but in rugby where its relatively common it used to be an automatic 3 week ban from playing/training after & I still think this is a good guide. A 2nd brain rattle within that time can set off a clot / prove fatal :(


Well-Known Member
7 February 2006
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I had concussion after my horse kindly landed on my head :rolleyes:

The best way to describe how I felt afterwards would be drunk but without the nice feeling of being drunk ;) I was off work for a week (signed off by A&E) and didn't feel myself for well over a month - probably nearer 6 weeks. I struggled to concentrate and was tired and irritable. I would never have been able to compete in those first few weeks :(