constant re-swellingf of leg


Well-Known Member
2 November 2006
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my mare has cut her rear leg.... nice neat cut... but it wont heal and everytime she goes out she comes back in with it swolen.
not lame and after a ride out it goes down again.
have washed it hibiscrubed tcp'd purple sprayed and bandaged the damn thing tried everything just wont close up!!
advice pweaze


Well-Known Member
13 February 2007
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i had a pony that did this once. tiny neat cut on the top of her leg. i think by a flint. it took ages and 2 lots of antibiotics. twice a day it would fill with fluid we had to get behind it and squeeze really hard to release the fluid. (it would squirt for miles) it was getter worse to do as it started healing but the vet told me i had to release the fluid .the pony would fidget but once it popped you could see the look of relief on her face there was so much pressure in it going down her leg. but gradually it filled up less and less until it had eventually gone.


Well-Known Member
13 February 2007
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when i first saw it i thought nothing of it as it was small and neat. it was yo who panicked and called the vet before i got there. the vet did say that she definately needed antibiotics and if it was still up after the first course to try a bit longer because we needed to keep it open for the fluid to drain out thus highering the risk of infection. i do remember vet telling me not to let it heal until it stopped swelling. that was the hard bit trying to squeeze it to pop it when the hole kept closing. she had a very orangey fluid in hers.