Contacting Tom Beech


Well-Known Member
4 October 2019
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Has anyone had any issues when trying to get hold of Tom Beech the osteopathic vet?
I have a claim open with my insurance company and they want a copy of Tom's clinical report of when he saw my horse in August.
The insurance company have emailed me saying they have tried to make contact with him both by phone and email over the last few weeks but he hasn't responded.
I've also since emailed him, tried to call, sent text messages and also post on his Facebook page where he's since deleted my post.
I was just wondering if this is considered normal for him?
He's posted on his Facebook page within the last few days so he can't be that busy that he's not seen my messages

Leo Walker

Well-Known Member
19 July 2013
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I found him really good. I messaged him, he messaged me back and then he sent me a text within a week giving me an appointment date and time. He then text me a few times afterwards to see how the pony was going. Do you not have a copy?He gave me one before he left.


Well-Known Member
4 October 2019
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I found him really good. I messaged him, he messaged me back and then he sent me a text within a week giving me an appointment date and time. He then text me a few times afterwards to see how the pony was going. Do you not have a copy?He gave me one before he left.

He was fine to get hold of to book the appointment and I found him fascinating to talk to at the appointment. He was quick to respond to my initial questions after the appointment but when I mentioned my horses behaviour had gotten worse and asked for advice I recieved no response. The horse has since had to be put to sleep. He didn't give me any paperwork at all, I took notes during the session but the insurance want his clinical reports


Well-Known Member
4 October 2019
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You might find his report a bit basic. I got a copy for my vet and it was scribbled on a bit of paper - he did send it though.

That's simply all the insurance wants. But they've spent over a week trying to contact him and he hasn't responded to them and so far I've spent nearly a week also trying to get a response from him.