
Well-Known Member
11 October 2006
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im not a livery yard however to cut a very long story short, me and my partner have just split up and im keeping the horses where they are as they are happy and he cannot take then so need something in writting so everything is in line.


Well-Known Member
14 August 2006
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If the BHS contract doesnt really apply to your situation, it is fairly easy to write out your own.
Begin with stating who the parties to the contract are (yourself and ex) and then what each of you offer (e.g. you give stables and list of duties you will perform, he presumably pays you money (state amount and date due). Also here consider problems which may arise (if you are ill are you still responsible for care of horses. If so can you arange for anyone to do it for you or does he require them to be qualified in some way) (if emergency vet treatment is required is it aranged with your vet or his? Do you arrange it or call him for him to do it? How do you define emergency?)
Then list how long contract will run for e.g annual to be renegotiated yearly, or renewing on a monthly basis until notice is given. If you wish to change the contract (especially duties performed or variance of fees) how much notice will be required?
Then both sign and date, and voila, contracteyness.