Correct spacing for canter and trotting poles


Well-Known Member
13 July 2010
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Please can someone tell me the correct spacing for trotting poles and canter poles . Basically the striding when you walk it with your feet (hope this makes sense) . Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
15 September 2011
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I would say canter poles 9ft (approx 3 of your steps) and trot poles 4 1/2 feet.

(12ft is more a non-jumping canter stride in a combination/related distance, ie a forward medium-ish canter, rather than a working canter in for grids & poles in the school.)

HOWEVER this is only a rough guide and you need to adjust to your own horse's stride (at least initially, to build confidence).

I was taught the "3-2-1" method: set out 3-5 poles at approx 9ft apart (3 human steps), then walk horse over them - at walk there should be 3 footfalls between each pole (only counting front feet here). If it feels too long/short then adjust. Then trot - there should now be 2 front footfalls between the poles, nice and regular. Hopefully won't need adjusting if you got it right in walk, but might do if horse wasn't quite awake at that point . . .

The poles should now be perfect for 1 canter stride as well - hence 3-2-1.

Then you have "9ft"/canter poles set up for your horse's length of stride/stage of schooling, and you can walk trot or canter over them safely. If you want trot poles just add a pole mid way between, but remember you can only trot over trot poles, not walk or canter.

Once you have the right distances and it's riding smoothly, it's a good idea to measure the distance using your feet heel-to-toe (more precise than human 3ft steps - though not as cool - and not recommended for related distances or competitions :) ).

Then next time you set out poles you can start off at "8 of my feet" or whatever, and know that it's approximately right. Then adjust using the 3-2-1. Also helps you measure how the horse's stride lengthens as his schooling improves, if in a month's time you find it's now "10 of my feet" between the poles.

Hope that helps, I found it revolutionary when I was taught that! Makes life so much easier when one doesn't have "staff". :)
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