Cost of equine solicitor for horse purchase agreement?


New User
27 October 2024
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Has anyone used an equine solicitor for advice on buying and to draw up a purchase agreement? How much roughly are you expected to pay in total? It's for a pretty standard, straightforward sale between private buyer and private seller.

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
7 September 2004
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Are you a novice horse buyer?
This generally isn’t routine, especially in leisure horse sales. Occasionally you might find a dealer or agent uses one. But by and large you would just get a sales invoice/receipt.

What is it you are hoping to achieve with a sales contract? I only ask because it might stop some people wanting to deal with you.

Goldie's mum

Well-Known Member
1 May 2022
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Has anyone used an equine solicitor for advice on buying and to draw up a purchase agreement? How much roughly are you expected to pay in total? It's for a pretty standard, straightforward sale between private buyer and private seller.

Thanks in advance!
Hi, welcome to the forum. :)

I think you'll find most people don't bother with a solicitor, they just do something themselves. That said, if this is your first horse definitely take your riding instructor or some other experienced person with you.

If you're worried about how to word things, are you a member of the British Horse society?
If you have "Gold" membership they offer free advice on buying, including drawing up a sales contract yourself. Obviously you pay to join, I think it's £90 at the moment but everything after that is free and you get all sorts of other things such as third party insurance, newsletter, etc so it's worth it anyway.

This is a decent place to start...
