Could do with some thoughts if you please....


Well-Known Member
20 April 2011
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As you guys are always great at coming up with good advice, I wondered if you could put your thinking caps on for my sister's old pony.

Said pony is 14.2 cob type, 29 years old and has quite bad arthritis in one front knee. she's on a maintenance dose of Danilon for her knee, and can still get about fine, can get down to roll etc without much trouble.

The last week or so, my mum noticed that she was banging her back foot on the floor in her stable. she gets mites sometimes when stabled, and mum thought she would shampoo her with insecticidal shampoo to get rid. However, on closer investigation, there is no sign of irritation or mites, but pony cannot seem to pick her back foot up beyond resting her toe.

She can lift both front ones fine, and the other back one, but is reluctant to pick this one up. No obvious heat or swelling. I suggested she may have a sticky stifle, but seems unlikely given that she's 29 and never been troubled before with this.

She has had lami in the past, about 14 years ago and is on a strict diet year round. She is fed a handful of pony nuts and has a haynet at night, and is out at grass during the day.

Vet is booked next week to come out, but in the meantime, any thoughts gratefully appreciated!

Sherry and Mince Pies for reading :D


Well-Known Member
8 April 2007
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There is a cob at our yard that does this stamping thing with his hind legs. He has arthritic damage to his hind fetlocks but I don't know if the stamping has worsened the problem, or if he is stamping to try and relieve pain. He has to have bute before the farrier comes.
Sorry not much help, but to me it sounds like she might have arthritis starting in either her hock or fetlock.


Well-Known Member
20 April 2011
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Thanks, that did cross my mind actually. Given her age, it might not be surprising. She had been used for trotting before we got her and think that's part of the reason her knee is bad.