My cob has had hind limb lameness (Bilateral check ligament desmitis) since March of this year, and is still 'not right'. He's not lame, but he is not right either. He has saddle fitting issues which I am in the process of sorting (Saddle slips to right and slightly forwards) but I am beginning to think that the problems are stemming from the sacroiliac area. He has had 2 weeks off since the last time he was feeling 'wrong' and I rode him last night in the school - no circles, lots of straight lines etc and he was going beautifully - upward transitions, staying on the bit etc, when suddenly he flung his head back and tucked his hind legs under him and humped his back slightly as though he was in pain. I then couldn't get him on the bit at all and he sort of shuffled along feeling rigid and uncomfortable. This is the second time this has happened since I brought him back into work at the end of Sept. Have had him checked by physio who couldn't find anything wrong - stiff in a couple of places but nothing major..... Not sure what to do next, but just have a hunch that this might be the area we should be looking at - any thoughts anyone? Thanks!