Could this be poss and help


Well-Known Member
22 November 2007
East sussex/Kent Border
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I posted other day about my boy rodeo when I got on, had back lady out etc

I lunged him yesterday and he still seemed up happy ears back and grumpy not like him

My instructor was around as teaching my daughter and she said sod it and got on him and he was fine. Relaxed into the work and worked nice and round and relaxed

She said that he could just be being a 5yr old having a strop when he rodeos and to work him through it - is this poss back lady said he was stiff but should be ok

Also I am planing on getting back on him tommor 1st time since he had me off, going to lunge 1st any other ideas, thought please as think I will have shares in rescure remedy soon!!


Just passing through...
27 June 2008
Not where I should be...
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Take a parachute

I still err on the side of vet. Tiggy was off and on not right for a year. I was told to ride her through it. In the end I couldn't do it any more, sent her to the AHT at Newmarket. The diagnosis was chronic damage to both rear suspensory ligaments and she was PTS. Dizzy wasn't right, running backwards into a van is not right, turns out her teeth were bad and I'm lucky she didn't do worse.

Both horses were young and it could have been put down to their ages, but I just knew it wasn't right for them, age or not.