Could this be the ultimate time waster?


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
See'windgalls' post in vets.
Saturday evening. Phone call about horse, arrange a viewing for Sunday morning. Withheld number and no volunteering of name so took it for granted would be a no show. Buyer was made fully aware of windgall on RH, horse is open to vetting.
Sunday morning. Buyer does show, and after trying horse immediately makes an offer, price is arranged. Was advised she would phone that afternoon regarding transport (me or her).
Phones that afternoon. Says 'ive decided I like that horse and would like to take him' - after already finalising sale that morning. It is arranged for him to be picked up tuesday morning, buyer says she will be here with the cash then.
Also, another phone call asking girth/rug/saddle size etc.
Tuesday morning - Buyer shows with part cash, part cheque. I say this is ok, with id and contract signed. Buyer ums and ahhs for an hour until deciding she wants to pay cash in full. By this time transport has arrived and she sends it away. Buyer then proceeds to give me cash for a weeks livery, until she can rearrange transport and withdraw the cash in full. I assure buyer as far as im concerned the horse is hers (as I had thought since she made an offer) and will not let anyone else try him.
Wednesday evening - Buyer rings and asks if indeed I can transport him and that she now has cash in full, I say yes but it will have to be friday. She says ok, will ring again to confirm.
Then this.


Well-Known Member
3 April 2003
South East
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Blimey - hope it's not your horse referred to. I would be very annoyed if I found out someone had dropped out of a sale via the forum, rather than being rung by the buyer direct


Well-Known Member
21 December 2005
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Hmm. Seems just too much of a coincidence to me. Why some people haven't the good manners to pick up the phone and say that they have changed their minds is beyond me. Incidentally, my old endurance horse who had many, many miles on "his clock" had windgalls, he never once failed the vet in all the rides he took part in. I was told they were just a sign of a bit of wear and tear.


Well-Known Member
25 June 2005
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Sounds very like the same people. Why is it basic manners go out of the window at times like this? I will not waste sellers time and it makes me cross that people cannot be straight about things.

I've even been known to look at a horse over the stable door and say "no thanks, not for me" even before sitting on it, sounds harsh but I explain that I would be wasting their time and mine to take things further.

Hope the steam has stopped coming out of your ears now!


Well-Known Member
7 February 2006
Hoeilaart, Belgium
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Has it been deleted? I couldn't see anything recent. It all sounds rather supicious, especially the reluctance over the cheque. Very bad manners towards you. I do think that some buyers, particularly the younger ones, often post about a new horse they have tried, then if it fails the vet also post about why it did. If I was selling I would certainly appreciate people not posting things like that on an open forum.


Well-Known Member
29 June 2006
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Gobsmacked!! 100% gobsmacked!! I cant believe the cheek of some people-thats just unreal-even if they change their mind and say they do want the horse now i'd telll them where to go!!!


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
The thread is still there. It does seem like to much of a coincidence, in her past posts she describes the same horse and is from the same area she told me.
Its not so much the forum/manners thing that annoys me. Im fully used to timewasters, but this is opff the scale.
Why make an offer and finalise price if you havent fully made your mind up? Then go one step further by asking me to hold a horse and pay livery? If I accept an offer on any horse I stand by my word, it is thoroughly taking the pi55!
Then to go on about the windgall, which has been fully investigated, when she was told the full story in the first place. TBH I doubt that she would have noticed had I not told her. She didnt even look at the horse properly or touch its legs. I could have been selling her a pigeon toed, cow hocked donkey with 2 bowed tendons as far as she was concerned - and she didnt want it vetted!
I find it totally insulting, that is what gets me the most.


Well-Known Member
7 February 2006
Hoeilaart, Belgium
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Found the post, agree it seems suspicious. So what are you going to do? Have you actually heard directly from the buyer? It could be a coincidence, they maybe waiting around for you today! Would the buyer not even leave a contact no?


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
My first rule is never ask for name or number, usually helps weed out the timewasters. If they volunteer name and number they are usually serious. All her calls have been withheld, she told me her name when she viewed. She was calling back when she had arranged time off with directions - I have no idea where I am supposed to go!

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
in a happy place
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How annoying, I can understand a wobbly buyer, it is a big commitment after all, but to lead you on like that is just unfair and rude. I am sure if they had explained that they wanted to make more enquiries into the nature of the injury and the long term outcome you would have accomodated that, within reason.

I would be hopping mad!


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
Thats just discusting - how rude! Did you say that she left a deposit? if so how much? hope you've not returned it to them! Find yourself a better home/buyer for your horse - and you should warn other people on the forum about them...............Sorry, am a bit leary!


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
As far as I am concerned the deal was finalised when we agreed a price at the viewing. I dont mind people dithering about making their minds up, but to make a deal when you havent made your mind up is something else.
When she sent the transport away she offered £100 livery for the week until they could come again. I actually felt guilty taking £90 off her (that is my minimum weekly charge) for something that is probably going to cost me £20, but at the end of the day I have 3 horses waiting for that stable which will be paying £130 per week.
Im off to Leominster sales to cheer myself up. Hope there are no muppets/a55holes about to bother me - they could find themselves getting a tongue bashing!


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
I never count a horse sold until I have a deposit, and then the buyer must understand if they pull out for any reason other than failing a vetting, they are likely to lose their deposit money.
Once a deposit is accepted it is in law a contract to buy, and they are liable for the rest of the money. Buyers forget you have paid money to advertise the horse, kept it longer whilst they dither, and risk it injuring itself all that time.
There are an awful lot of indecisive people about I'm afraid, we tend to go, view and try and decided on the spot. Luckily CCJ's new horse had already been vetted so no problem there.
I think this buyer will most likely disappear into the woodwork, but if she is reading this, hopefully she will realise what she is doing is not the way to buy a horse.
It takes respect and honesty on both sides I'm afraid.
We have been so lucky with buyers lately, Monty was sold to the second person and the first was dead straight and honest to deal with, Hero had people hanging on the phone waiting incase the first buyer said no!
Perhaps a post on how it's the correct way to view a horse etc wouldn't be a bad thing or an article in H and H? You hear loads about bad sellers but very little about buyers who mess sellers about.
As for you from experience I would say you are very straight to deal with. When I emailed you about two of the horses you were upfront and honest about their faults, and I think the buyer is completely at fault here.....


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
She was supposed to pay cash in full, but bank wouldnt let her withdraw whole amount (she took out up to her limit every day). I was in full agreeance to part cheque, with all correct paperwork in place. She actually let horsebox arrive, and dithered for another 1/2 hour before saying shed wait until she had the cash in full. 4 hour round trip for driver.


Well-Known Member
30 May 2006
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Hellow everyone_ I am writing this because I feel i have to sort out some confusion. I would like to point out I have not vied vicijp's horse- i have no idea who she is- or what has happened to her. But i feel that relating her issue to my quiery on windgalls is a little off the mark as it makes me look as if i had something to do with it when i didnt! I didnt even think HH allowed this sort of thing on the forum. But as it is i felt i had to write this! I have viewed several horses within my small budget of £2500. Most of whom have been riddled with problems. I have been looking only at TBs and it seems they are filled with one problem or another that i have not encountered such as wind problems, windgalls, boxy hooves, lack of ability to hold shoes(one had only two shoes on when we went to see it) so i have asked people on this forum for advice- and everyone has been spot on- really helpful and kind. But i think with posts like this people are putting other peoples reputations (ie mine as a worthy buyer) on the line. I would like to say again for the the final time- I have £2500 in cash here waiting for the right horse! I have not viewed the above mentioned horse! I did see a horse with a horrific windgall and asked for advice but politly told seller that we didnt suit each other!

My one question about the buyer who came to see your horse is if she offered livery why did you take it?If you thought the buyer was messing you about why didnt you say something about it rather than take money off him, if we keep letting buyers do this they will- sellers need to say something if they are not happy otherwise all buyers get bad reputations- as i seem to be having to restore grr! It looks as though something happened- no one books a lorry for no reason! Well not round here- we have a lovely lady who does transport but she costs a fortune i would not ask her to do a four hour trip and then just pay her to return with an empty box! it would cost a fortune. At least £250!
I think though they were genuine in telling you they had a withdrawal limit as mine is £300 a day took a week before i had the moeny- but at least i was sensible and took it out the bank before i started looking.
I always thought you paid a deposit to secure a horse- perhaps thats what should have been done? Im not clued up on buying as most my horses arrive as throwaways- sad really.


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
I took the livery because it was a win win situation for me. £90 in my back pocket for doing naff all.
I only ask for a deposit in extreme situations when the horse has to be kept here for a while(ie one buyer was off on holiday for 2 weeks, mare was being vetted in the meantime). I give people my word and if that isnt good enough for them they can go elsewhere. Plus, I can do without bits of paperwork flying around the place for cash.
It may or may not be you. I find it hard to believe there are 2 people from west wales who went to look at a horse at roughly the same time, same day, with the same condition. For those 2 people to both have a hanoverian x id that their novice bf rides is pretty unbeleavable.
As it is, I am past caring. My phone still hasnt rung.


Well-Known Member
30 May 2006
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think what you like- i have explained to everyone here on the forum. I was in fact very interested in the sound of your horse- perhaps you have lost a buyer here. Yes i did live in wales- i went to Swansea uni to do my LPC. I have now moved back to my parents home in Ludlow shrops. I do own a Hanno x ID. But i do not have a boy friend we split up in may (as much as i wish i had a horseriding fella!) I have been bringing my friend from home with me to find horses i think she would be insulted to think people thought she was male!

I hope you find a home for your horse- and i honestly hope that your buyer calls you. As far as im concerned i know it wasnt me and i am happy to end it at that. I wish you all the best, and hope you havent lost faith in sellers alround the country. Im just saddned that now i dont get to view yours as i love TB's!


Well-Known Member
7 July 2005
Why the hell would I want you to view my horse when you have already dismissed one with a similar blemish? That would be wasting more of my time, as well as yours.
As I said before, I am sorry if it is not you, but there is too many connections in my mind to think otherwise.
Good luck with your search for a horse.