Could we be coming to the end of the mud fever saga???


Well-Known Member
16 May 2005
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Grace has finally finished her course of antibiotics (around 2 1/2 weeks worth now), her steroid tablets and her steroid cream... what a saga this has been!

She has not been out in the field for over 3 weeks now but has been ridden most days so she has not gone completely potty just yet. Hopefully, once we have sorted this she can go out with her little wellies on!

The legs are still a little puffy, but the scabs are now crispy (lovely
) and starting to fall off on their own. The worst bit has now lost most of the scabs but the outside of her leg is still looking dreadful.

She has to stay in until all the scabs have been removed and I have been given some cream which should speed that up a little... I just hope we are getting into the final chapter now as this seems to have been going on forever.

Has anyone else's horse suffered really badly this year with mud fever? I'll try to take some photos of Grace's legs now they are on the mend and you will see what I have had to contend with!


Well-Known Member
4 February 2006
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Mine was so bad last year and had the vet to treat him but this year i seem to have got away with it.... Sudocream before worst of mudfever started although he has scabs but no filled legs or infection also he was on Global Mud X... don't know which one did the trick.....