Countryside, The Farmer and the Londoners


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18 June 2010
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Sitting in deepest darkest Devon, I am a devotee of The Western Daily Press, a paper that all who are interested in the Countryside I recommend should read.

Regrettably I cannot find a link to the fine piece by Roger Evans under Rural Rambles on Saturday 22 Oct, entitled The Countryside, the Farmer and the Londoners.

It really is worth getting a copy.

To cut a long story short, Tom - a farmer acquired a new shotgun and he went up to the spinney on the farm to try out his new gun. Indeed some pesky pigeons were on the receiving end.

At the other end of the spinney or wood were some new people to the area from London who were out for a walk.

Needless to say Tom was blazing away at Pigeons and the trajectory of the shot was falling at the end of the spinney pitter-patter as it does.

The walkers unfamiliar with gunfire and such a scenario were out with their Mobile Phone and quickly dialled 999 and informed the emergency help desk that they were being shot at by at madman – I quote!

Tom eventually packs up puts his new gun, in it's sleeve and potters back home, only to be greeted by an armed response team (10) who very soon relieved him of his gun, had him handcuffed on the ground. None of which Tom was best pleased.

I quote from the piece, "An indignant farmer minding his own business, all those keen policemen full of adrenaline. A local policeman turns up to see what's going on". He says, "what’s the trouble Tom".